Best Magazine to order?

Let’s learn best Magazine to order. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What is the best website to order a magazine subscription from?

I am interested in purchasing a subscription to ESPN The Magazine and I noticed there there are a ton of websites that sell subscriptions to this magazine. Which is the most more


What I do is just go to and order my magazines there. Then when I need to...

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BEOQ3VUSWGLGIKV6YBI6W32KTA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

How can i cancell a magazine order?

i order this magazine on the computer but i signes up for the wrong magazine and i just got this thing in the mail for me to send this magazine called seventeen 9 dollars how can i more


Send the invoice back with 'Cancel Order' in large black letters written on it. Mark

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WNFUFBNFZLXMKGLV6GHRA7F4R4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Where can I order this magazine?

I want to order the High School Musical 3 magazine special by people magazine but i can't find where to order one because i never got the chance to buy one. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here are two ebay auctions that are going on were you can buy it. Ebay is the only place I can find...

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ilovejoe... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is it safe to order Seventeen magazine from Hearst Magazines?

Is this website I want to order the Seventeen magazine (I don't live in Canada or the US), so I need to order it to Europe. You are directed there from the official Seventeen website. Any...


Hearst Magazines is the publisher of Seventeen, so that link is probably fine. When I went to Seventeen...

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Me :D at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can you order seventeen magazine if you dont have money on your credit card right now?

hey so i want to order the seventeen magazine but my dad don't have money on it right now,in 1 week he will have money on it,so can i order it right now? and 1 more thing i don;t live in the usa i live in curacao,and this is my frist time buying something...


No, you can't. When the magazine attempts to charge the card, the transaction will be declined and the...

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Babe Skyler at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

If I order a magazine subscription in the middle of the year? Please answer?

So, I'd really like to order a one year subscription of Seventeen Magazine, but it's already June. What I want to know is: if I order the subscription now, is it only good until December of this year, or June of next year? Is the subscription only good...


It will extend the full 12 issues.

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Alex at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do i back order an ebony magazine?

i want to back order Ebony's Michael Jackson Commemorative Book. it was a 100 page magazine spread remembering michael jackson. they are no longer on shelves or newsstands at the stores so can anyone tell how i can back order one directly from Ebony...


Try www,

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lovespel... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I want to start a new religious magazine in u.s.a. what do i have to do in order to register a new magazine?

what is the process in registering a new magazine? what do i have to do -- please some one help me by guiding me through the process?


You don't need to register with the government, other than perhaps obtaining a business license, the...

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sg20 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do I stop receiving a magazine I didn't order, when I cannot locate a telephone number or address?

I have been receiving a weekly magazine for the past 3 weeks. I did not subscribe to this magazine. I cannot find a telephone number nor does their web site provide one. How do I stop this magazine?


if you can't find an address or phone #, then toss it or read it......if you didn't order it, you won...

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Phyllis at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some good websites to order a dance costom magazine or figure skatingdress magazine?

any website as long as i can order a catolog for FREE. if you find a website but it cost money to get the catolog please note that when you answer!!!! THANKS FOR HELPING ME!!

Answer: (seriously)

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badgirla... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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