Can someone recommend a signature loan, credit card or home improvement franchise?

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Can someone recommend a signature loan, credit card or home improvement franchise?

I have several remodel contractors which write contract, average size is under $15k and quite often under 10K . They are looking for a lending solution for their clients. I am currently unable to provide this as a mortgage loan originator. I want to remedy this and add signature/remodel/credit card options. I am looking for reputable, stable companies to affiliate with. Your help is appreciated.


Beneficial Finance, Household Finance, General Finance. How about the local bank where the contractor...

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dday2086 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Anybody intrested check this out?

1. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen. 2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. 3. The "57" on the Heinz...


Very informative.... they say ur meant to learn at least 1 new thing each day and i just learnt 320...

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sean at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Wanna know 320 usless facts that you dont know and will never use!!?

1. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen. 2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. 3. The "57" on the Heinz...


Finally got something to do when I'm bpred ... =)

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Poop at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Did you have any frickin' idea that.....?

1. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen. 2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. 3. The "57" on the Heinz...


this sounds alot like the question 6 months ago Wanna know 320 useless facts tht u dont know and probably...

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♣ iPaulTV ♣ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Would you like to check out these 320 useless facts?

1. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen. 2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. 3. The "57" on the Heinz...


some interesting "facts", although some are half truths or half facts (i.e., heinz 57 is not...

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Penny A at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

320 useless facts that u probably didn't know?

1. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen. 2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen. 3. The "57" on the Heinz...


I quit around 140. 134. An American urologist bought Napoleon's penis for $40,000. I loved that one.

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! I've just seen a face at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Would Dave Ramsey consider a Home Improvement loan as credit card debt or mortgage?

After my wife and moved into our house we got a home improvement loan for windows, it acts as a second mortgage. We have paid off student loans, credit cards and vehicle loan, saved $1,000. My question is with a home impovement/ second mortgage loan...


I know Dave Ramsey is a great man to many But you have to consider the interest rate you may be paying...

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Go with the flow at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How should I consolidate my credit card debt? What about a signature loan?

FinancialFilter. I'm looking to consolidate credit card debt and am not sure what my options are. Advice? I owe about $13,000 on four credit cards (14.9% - 19.9% APR), and about $35,000 on a consolidated student loan (4.5% APR). I've had a checking account...


If you can't get the credit card companies to lower your rates, check into Consumer Credit Counseling...

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anonymous at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Will my dad's credit card spending affect my home loan if I have joint account with him?

My fiance and I are closing on a house and have been preapproved. We're just waiting for the appraisal to go through before we find out if we get the loan or not. We both have excellent credit scores (above 700). My dad has a credit card that he uses...


If the card account is showing up on your credit report, yes, it may delay your application. What may...

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Steve D at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Should I refinance Home Equity loan to consolidate credit card debt (I am buying a new house in 120 days)?

Consider this: 1. I have $30k in credit card debt. 2. I have a 1st mortgage for $200k (4%) and a Home Equity line of $170k (at prime rate) with no additional credit available. 3. I am buying another house at the end of April. Would I be better off refinancing...


You don't mention how much equity you have left in the home, but lets assume you have some equity. You...

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Sean J at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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