Can't install Windows Live Messenger?

Let’s learn can't install Windows Live Messenger. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

I can't install Windows Live Messenger AT ALL! HELP!?

Okay, so for you computer people out there, I have a problem. I just cleaned my hard drive and got rid of a bunch of stuff, including all of my messengers, MSN, AIM, yahoo and its components. okay, so THEN, I went on that one website to get windows live messenger, version 8 - ( Windows Live Messenger Beta 9 completely screwed me over ) So, it asked me if I'd like to install it, and I pressed 'Install' and it came up with this notice ... This one ---> http...


Hello Kristi- My name is Jeff and I work alongside the Windows Outreach Team. Try downloading Windows...

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Kristi at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

I cant install windows live messenger again?

well there was something wrong with my windows live messenger so i tried to reinstall it. once i uninstalled it i cannot install it again. when i try download it from the internet, i dont know why but it doesnt work on the main windows live messenger...


You do not say what browser you are using - I suspect it is not IE and IE is probably set to work offline...

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lieu at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why cant i install an older version of windows live messenger instead of windows live messenger beta?

i use to have windows live 9.0 (vista) then i updated to the beta version, but decided i don't want it, so i uninstalled it, tried to get an older version back, and now if i try and sign in, it tells me to upgrade to the beta version, is there a way...


There should be an option to say that you dont want to, or to remind you at a later date. Thats about...

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Douglass at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cant install windows live messenger!?

Recently my msn hasnt been working, so i went on the help icon. i tried everything on there and in the end it said if its still not working, just uninstall and then reinstall and it should work. I un-installed it but no it wont let me reinstall!! It...


I have windows live msn but that never happened to me. Maybe its because you have some kind of virus...

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Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cant install Windows live messenger, it says that it is installed, but can find on my windows 7, please help?

I deleted it, I thought it is fine to install once again but when I try it says that these programs are already installed but I can't find it, I tried every possible way. I need your help please.


you will need to re-install it again you deleted it and maybe some portions of the program are still...

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eid m at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cant install windows live messenger?

Well, I had uninstalled windows live messenger for a long time, And now when i try and reinstall it, It says its already downloaded (Like there is no checkbox in the installation thingy it just says "Downloaded") So im stuck in an endless loop...


hmm try cleaning your temp files.

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Amber M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cant install windows live messenger?

It is saying I have Windows Live Messenger installed but I dont. I uninstalled it a while ago and deleted all the backup folders/ I even did a search of files and folders on my more


You may have windows live messenger already but its hidden or i dont know...You can try unistall it...

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L3MLRET2CZQDZPAGAQEHLGQ2VA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why i cant install Windows Live Messenger on my PC?

hey, im trying to install the latest Windows Live MSN, but it keeps telling me that my computer is not connected to the internet, but it is, what should i do???


Because your internet connection is off so u can't install now 1st connect internet...

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matarali... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why cant i install Windows Live Messenger 2011?

Unfortunately, Its forcing me to update to the windows live essentials 2011. But whenever I've tried to it fails, It's been about 5 times now after countless re-boots. more


Greetings - Solution: Following the instructions on the link below will do the trick. Although it's...

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RGU7ND4Y5WOI5KHQ6FD2IBK27Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cant install windows live messenger?

i download freshly from firefox, then while clicking install it says " Couldn't Set Up The Installer Please Make Sure You're Connected To The Internet" .. im fully more


Try saving then installing

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HHMCTTWU7LFDYGXGGQPKDQOUJM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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