Do you know any jobs for 15 year olds?

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There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Does anybody know any jobs that hire 15 year olds in Long Island, New york?

I need help finding a summer job and hopefully one i can keep during the school year. Can anybody help me?


Here is a short list of summer jobs which you can create to generate income: 1. Learn calligraphy so...

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locker32... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Does anyone know any jobs that hire 15 year olds in Philly.?

Me and my family are tight when it comes to money and im a teen and i need thing but no ne seem to hire 15 year olds my friends say fast foods places but i dont kow any thats hiring right now so if you do know any that are hiring 15 year olds right this...


Supermarkets start hiring at 15. You could get a lifeguard license and be a lifeguard at 16. You need...

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adriana s at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Does anybody know any jobs for 15 year olds in new york?

I live in bronx, new york. I am also a student in school. I wanted to know if there was any jobs that somebody might know of that I can go for. Preferrably looking for jobs that more


you can hand out fliers for local businesses around you. also try checking for part or...

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OYTALXWS5MKANXCELDAKWDG34Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Does anyone know of any Caddy jobs in the metro detroit area for 15 year olds?

I need a caddy job or any other kind of job for 15 year olds going on 16. any help or idea? please help.


Oakland Hills Country Club in the Birmingham/Bloomfield Hills area. I began caddying there when I was...

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Paige W at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Any body know good jobs for 15 year olds in new york city?

i live in brooklyn new york and i am eagerly wanting to work for retail or anything that deals with technology . i am looking for a job not in the summer cause i really want to work now. i need help and was wondering if anybody knows any good places...


I know it's not cool but work in the back end of a restaurant or catering house or veterinarian clinic...

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yahoo user at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do you know any jobs in St.Louis, MO that hire 15 year olds in the summer?

My mom wants me to get a job because she doesn'tt want me to just stay in the house or she'll kick me out. Could you all either let me know what sites to go on to search for teenage jobs or jobs that hire teenagers-15years minimumlly


I also am looking for a site like the one you need but I am the mom of a 15 yr old and I do know you...

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Jo at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Anyone know of Jobs for 15 year olds!?

So I'm looking for a job in Phoenix/Glendale, Arizona but no one ill even bother to look at my application because I'm 15 and I only have 7 months to go till' I turn 16. I guarantee you that I am way more mature than any other 15 year old and I am very...


Fast food Restaurants

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Babeecak... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do you know of any jobs for 15 year olds?

im still going to school.. it doesnt matter what it is.. i just want to get active and start to make money. do you know of any jobs for teens?


well you could baby sit, waitress, dog walker, work at petco or petsmart, and the mall.

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BDNSHTO5YUICUCLIOMT5L2GN5E at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do you know any good jobs for 15 year olds in chicago illinois?

im 15 and i live in chicago do you know any good places to work or where they would hire me thank you for your help


probably a restaurant or catering business.

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inspirme... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Anyone know what companies in Michigan hire 14-15 year olds for summer jobs?

My daughter will be 15 in September and she got a work permit. The school told her she can get a job but didn't give any recommendations. The only place that I know of is Subway who starts hire at 14/8 months.


Try the parks and recreation in your neighborhood. Great first job! lots of different opportunities.

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dhardma1 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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