Do you prefer American beer, or European? Or any other?

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Do you prefer American beer, or European? or any other ...

Best Answer: Categorizing this stuff into different continents is kind of silly. I can show you awesome American brews that will run all over most anything ...

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Why do beer snobs prefer european beers to american beers?

Honestly, bud, coors, miller and other mainstream beers taste like peepee. There are dozens of breweries around the country that utilize european traditions with greater freedom to innovate. Many of them are far better than european beers and are critically...


I like Yuengling more than Bud, Coors, etc.

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I'm Canadian and I was wondering if most Americans prefer American beer?

I've tried American beer and I'm not fond of the taste.What do you drink?


I like Bud Lite & Mich Lite, But Canadian Beer Black Label Is Very Tastey & Cheap!

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Celebrity girl at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


There is quite a few people that like light beer but myself included does not. Its a matter of personal...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why do people drink canned beer?

Aluminum is bad for you and has been linked to Alzheimer’s. Canned beer is low class. I don’t like the way it looks and can't stand it. I've felt this way ever since I was 16-17 years old and still do. When I drink a beer I want one thing...


What sparky said,beer snob,It's funny you are the same guys that don't even notice when I give you a...

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surferms... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Which MAJOR American beer will you drink now?

With the Big 3 being owned by foreign companies, which beer will you drink? I am not talking about micro-brews for those who drink that, this question is not for you. You have Yuengling and Sam Adams which are American owned. You have Pabst Brewing Co...


First of all I still love Budweiser and will drink it. But because of the economic thing and my anti...

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oysterch... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is Manchester really as dangerous as people say it is (worried American uni student)?

I'm an American who will most likely attend uni in the UK next year for anthropology. As of now, it seems like the best uni for me is Manchester. I stand a pretty good chance at offers from Edinburgh and even St Andrews, but I'm not too interested in...


I only live a 30-40 minute drive away from Manchester and have been going there for years. It is certainly...

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Sweet Voltaire at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why do Brits serve their beer piss warm?

I must admit most Brit beer,stout & ales are better than American but I still prefer a cool beverage... and whats up with half and half crap?


The half and half is to get complex flavoring. Personally I think it depends on the brew...temperature...

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hungryha... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Where is a nice place for a young gay abroad student to get a beer when I first arrive in London by myself..?

I am an American gay 21 year old student studying abroad this summer in London. I am going to arrive before classes begin and was wondering where would be a fun place to go get a beer and meet people when I arrive in London. I will be by myself and am...


Ku bar is a nice place to go. It's near China Town, just off of Charing Cross Road. It's pub like in...

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Mason at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Guys, do u prefer American or European women? Girls, do u prefer American or European guys?

Actually, I find most Americans, regardless of sex, tend to be rather selfish and don't make good partners... :( Which kinda sux because that's what i am and where i live lol I can't wait to go back to Europe


american women

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Jake S at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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