Housing in Baumholder, Germany?

Let’s learn housing in Baumholder, Germany. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by ahrn.com.

There are ten answers to this question.

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Baumholder Housing Information - AHRN.com

Need to find housing at USAG Baumholder? No worries, find it on the #1 trusted military housing site! The Automated Housing Referral Network (AHRN.com) ...


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Baumholder, Germany pics of housing?

we recently got word that we will be going to Baumholder this Oct. Now we have been stationed in hohenfels before back in 03-06. I have heard way different things about Baumholder ...show more


yes they do have houses outside of the post but only for thus with donkeys. the reason that for is that...

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DMKJAUAKFKEOWLE64WX534SITE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Baumholder Germany, does anyone know anything about it?

I am moving Baumholder Germany. I am an Army Wife, what is housing like? Is there any links to the housing so I can see some? Just little details to fill in what you'd like to know when you move to a new place.


Have to admit i never heard about it before. But after some googling (all in german "it was not...

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Brook<3J... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the nearest major airport near Baumholder,Germany?

My boyfriend is station in Baumholder,Germany and he wants me to book a ticket to see him. I don't know where Baumholder,Germany is and don't know which airport is closest to ...show more


I believe Frankfurt Hahn is the closest airport to Baumholder. It's closer than Frankfurt am Main. Be...

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5KU6EYAFZ36IOBJQ43NRZYWMBM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do i find out the value of my baumholder, germany beer stein?

has a crest on from with germany underneath it. pictures of th town baumholder on both sides. has a 1 and it looks like a tepee on bottom stamped western germany


depends, when did you buy it and where? i think if you bought it in baumholder from a store and not...

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dusty at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can I live off post in Baumholder, Germany? ?

We are PCSing to Baumholder and I have had friends say that they do not allow people to live off post/off the economy. Is this true? Do we have to live on post in Army housing? If we ...show more


No you can't. Since there is a high terror threat to members of the US Army

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Q465XHXP3AQE5Y6OEARAK2DJ5I at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Pcs to Baumholder Germany?

We are Army pcs to Baumholder in March 09 wondering what it's like there? How's Housing? We have a English BullDog and haven't decided if we should take her or not..she ...show more


I was never in Baumholder, but it is country, so here in Grafenwoehr too. You can take your dog with...

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MX7NBM334E5KWSVTE5GV7GTDOY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

PCSing to Baumholder Germany...?

Me, My husband, and 2 boys are PCSing to Baumholder in July. I wanted to see if anyone knows if we were to go to our home state will the army fly us to Germany from there or would we have to go back to the duty station where we were? If they will fly...


Part of your out-processing will be port call. You tell the nice ladies there that you will be home...

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April at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are there any flats/apartments to rent in or around Baumholder Germany?

Hi, I'm a 24 year old female from the USA moving to Germany in August with my Fiance. we are looking to rent an apartment, flat, or bungalow in or near Baumholder, Landstuhl, or ...show more


check out immobilienscout24.de, I found my current place through them and so did several friends.

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H6J6ZZCFYWCRK5EA6EQ6BZPNEE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is baumholder germany nice?

How is the weather culture food and activities around baumholder germany?


Its a small farming village. If you live here as a civilan or stationed as a Soldier. Be prepare to...

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STLKZPY6EF23V4QFQ3UIP4DH3Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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