How To Remove Mole From Face?

Let’s learn how To Remove Mole From Face. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

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only a dermatologist can do it because it uses unsafe equipment and you could easily damage the surrounding...

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Boy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

How do I get rid of a mole on my face without going for a surgery to remove it?

I have a small flat mole near my lips. Is there any way for me to remove it without going to see the dermatologist to have it surgically removed? Tried cutting it out with a razor blade but the mole just seems to reappear again. Is there any way to get...


hemorrhoid cream

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regnarok... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can i remove a flat mole on my face?

So i have a mole on my face that i have had since i was young and i want to know how i can get rid of it with any creams i dont want to get surgery for it will leave a akward scar


if it is one other part of your body i would just say using some OTC cream or home remedy to clear it...

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Kyle at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can i remove my flat tiny mole on my face naturally?

i have a flat tiny mole on my right cheek, actually there are 2. i would like to remove it anyway. i am really getting annoyed of it but im not sure if home remedies really work like castor oil and baking soda being mixed and having a paste to apply...


Hi Arren, Please, no to all your personal suggestions. Tiny little moles on the face should be removed...

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Arren at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I remove a mole from my face?

I've had this mole on my cheek for as long as I can remember... it's about the diameter of a pencil and is slightly raised. It didn't start bothering me until middle school (I'm a senior in high school now) when my dad started making comments about it...


Noooo, don't do at home surgery. I can understand that you don't like it. The best way is to have it...

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Ray at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can i remove a mole like spot on my face?

it looks mole but black spot on looking close.


Best thing is to go to your GP and discuss about it.

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6P4QMROAUCNKTI3EGCTU6MDHVM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Remove small mole on face?

OK i have very similar to this mole exactly at this area that there is on picture and i got it recently , its little bit smaller but its same place and same looks , this mole started appearing on my face around 1 2 years ago , i have 2 others which are...


I think, not too sure, but i think, from the picture at least that this may be a skin tag, not a mole...

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CM PUNK at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Should i remove my face mole or not?

Since as long as i can remember, i've been pestered with this RAISED face mole. When i'm talking to people i see their eyes dwindling to that mole, it's quite annoying :D But my mother says its a beauty mark. I find it annoying because when i shave,...


If your concern were purely cosmetic, I'd suggest leaving it alone. It's not really that noticeable...

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ChrisM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I want to remove a raised mole on my face?

I have a mole on my chin and feel really self-conscious because of it. I want to remove it, and I've been looking into some ways to remove it at home, but I feel like they'll more


my son had one removed when he was 12 from his temple they froze it, removed it and about 5 days later...

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HVGDTF2LQ6Q7TGWP52GLXZF75Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What do I need to do if I want to remove a mole off of my face?

What kind of doctor should I see and how do they remove it, and how much does it cost? It hurts when I accidentally scratch it and it doesn't look good on me anyway. Please more


use a chain saw

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im so fly at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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