How do we contact the yahoo message boards?

Let’s learn how do we contact the yahoo message boards. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

YHOO Message Board | Yahoo! Inc. Stock - Yahoo! Finance

Try Yahoo Finance on Firefox ... If AOL bought Yahoo, we would have spent $750 million on its ads in 2015. ... We are in the process of testing our new message boards.

Other solutions

How do you get in contact with a human at yahoo to report an abusive poster on their message boards?

Been trying to get yahoo to remove a user from the message boards for his continual abuse of other posters... Is there any way to get in touch with yahoo to get them to deal with it more


Humans? at Yahoo? Hahahahaha!

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3FRC6OEPRFHWKGIS5LO26MGI4Q at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Who would I contact at yahoo to have an open discussion on turning on the Yahoo message boards?

Neil Budde sent me an email to the effect that Yahoo's technology was not able to keep up to the demand of the boards and that something would be taking it place. I would really more


You can bet HOOTERS is paying for theirs.

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SJBMO3EB4I2DFMYH7DHYWLNXSQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Now that Yahoo news discuss/ message boards are permanently gone, do people use Yahoo Answers instead?

Because Yahoo has permanently removed the ability to comment on news articles through the once highly abused news message boards, are people now routinely using Yahoo Answers in the same manner--with all the abuse, harrassment, political advertising...


Yes most of the trolls from there have migrated to this site.

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What I Say at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Did Yahoo purposely screw up its Message Boards, Astrology and News products in an attempt to bankrupt itself?

Yahoo had a good thing going a few years ago. They have since gone downhill fast. The old message boards were easy to use and tied in to news articles. They had loads of traffic, which equates to page hits and thus revenue in internet terms. Now the...


Yahoo is always messing up a good thing. They keep making changes that make it harder to use. It just...

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neil b at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Did Yahoo message boards/discussions do anything to help the world? Yahoo is closing them today. Read this:?

Some folks are calling this censorship: "Yahoo! News is working on new ways for readers to comment on the news and participate in a discussion around it. While we work on our new community features, the message boards that have been linked from...


Well maybe is in their best interest to close them, I'm sure they come up with something else..a...

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unfinish... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I want to send email to yahoo contact but i like to know this contact readed my message or no ?

i want to send email to yahoo contact but i like to know this contact readed my message or no, such as when this contact read my message i will recieve email let me he's read it


Sorry, but Yahoo mail does not have the "read receipt" option.

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empian20... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Not Able to Post on Yahoo Message Boards?

My ability to post messages stopped two days ago. I have made no changes. When I post everything seems as normal, but the post never shows up on the message board. I still have my Yahoo Email and Groups posting and mailing abilities. All is working well...


Users are experiencing a lot of delays,glitches,errors and bugs lately.Yahoo has also said that they...

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DJ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is the Yahoo News Message boards shutdown politically motivated?

The coming one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is a hot topic for racists on the boards (with good cause). Maybe Yahoo is embarrassed that they facilitate that kind of hate and pulled the plug on the boards. There's always all sorts of conspiracy...


IT'S THE LIBS! NO, IT'S THE CONS! MAYBE IT'S BOTH! Heh heh.....just kidding. Personally, I think Yahoo...

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drive_sc... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why can't I get Yahoo Finance Message Boards on my IPad?

Up until A few days ago I could easily get Yahoo Finance Message boards. Now when I click on the Message Boards from a Stock Quote page I am sent to a Yahoo page that has no messages.


worked part of day today, now not again

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SQJGSJVRHTRGWUQ5WWW5QVKC5U at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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