How should I study for a test?

Let’s learn how should I study for a test. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by old.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

How can I Study for a big test without forgetting anything when the time comes?

So, I have a huge science test coming up in a week. I try to study but every time I do, things just kind of go through one ear and out the other. I Study a lot, but I always end up forgetting what I studied when I have to take the test. What do I do?


Study every two hour with twenty minutes rest in the middle,you can just lay down & relax.&clear...

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chloeviria191 at old Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

How to study for an English test?

I have a grammar test coming up and I have no idea how to study for it! I know what I'm supposed to study, but I don't know how to study for it. For a vocab test I'd usually just repeat it inside my head until i have it memorized, then quiz myself. But...


Try this. I know it's the UK BBC website, but a lot of learners use this.

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:F at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How am i supposed to study for a science test that is 75 questions long?

i have a test that is 75 multiple choice questions and there is a lot for me to study. I am usually very bad in my Science and is my weakest subject and this time, i want to get a good grade on the test. How am i supposed to remember everything that...


Okay, I am going to assume you have some type of science book they are taking these questions from....

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Catherin... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do you study and do well on a test?

I am in my last year of high school and up until now I have still not figured out good study methods for acing a test! I always end up failing every test and I can't get an A. I do extremely well on homework and even the projects/papers but I can never...


Go over class notes Skim through the textbook chapters and answer questions following each chapters...

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Anonymou... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How should I study for my test?

Well you see I need to retake a test. Nothing too big it dropped me down but I'm not getting an F or D just like a 92% so borderline. Anyway I have to retake it and it can drop me down to a B if I nearly bomb it again. I have the class tomorow...BUT...


study the topics which u got wrong.. and revise some imp topics and some topics which u think u forgotten...

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Da King at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I study for the BAPT (a programming aptitude test)?

I recently applied for a programming analyst position and got called back to come in for an interview. The HR rep also informed me I'm required to take the BAPT test (Berger Aptitude for Programing Test), which I'll have 75 minutes to complete before...


Part of the test is much like an IQ test.  Is A related to xyz, which shape doesn't fit...spatial math...

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Matthew Hunt at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo


i have a HUGE geography test tomorrow and i havent studied one bit!! in class we did a test to see what kind of learner we are, and i was mixed between kinestetic and auditory. i also feel like i am kind of a visual learner. i know that this does not...


Just follow some important question & Previous year question paper Best of luck for your exam

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Cookie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How often should I study for my permit test?

I got the NYS DMV study guide book today to start studying for my written permit test. I turned 16 the 20th of December. Anyways, I can use the book to study, and online take the chapter quizzes. How many times a day should I study? How much? How long...


I didn't study. Just look over it right before, or the day before. It's common sense questions. Here...

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Em♥ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How should I study for my test?

Well you see I need to retake a test. Nothing too big it dropped me down but I'm not getting an F or D just like a 92% so borderline. Anyway I have to retake it and it can drop me down to a B if I nearly bomb it again. I have the class tomorow...BUT...


Hi Ivan, First, study the stuff you missed out on. Then work quickly through the rest and work on anything...

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Da King at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do I properly study for an English test about a book?

The book is mildly short, about 119 pages. Our teacher gave us a study guide and everything. The problem is, the test is tomorrow and I'm not sure how to study since I almost NEVER study for tests. I'm trying to being my grade up so I want to know, how...


read the book, write notes that you think are important whilst doing so and then review the notes.....

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Jose at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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