How to block profile pictures on facebook from showing?

Let’s learn how to block profile pictures on facebook from showing. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

How to block profile pictures on facebook from showing?

my picture in facebook invisible, how do want to point out again?


wait... a what? i suggest, FIRST, that you make your question and personal info more understandable

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Putera Aziem at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

How do you block profile pictures from facebook?

if not the one that is up currently then at least all the others? there must be a way because sometimes when you click on people's profile pictures it doesnt let you go on all the pics, nothing happens and yes these people are my friends


You are absolutely right. You can do this. Go to Account and click on "privacy settings"....

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yo mama at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Facebook deletes my profile pictures!!!!?

i have always had problems with facebook, and this is y 7th account. On every single one i have a problem like this. First of all, my account is NOT being hacked. It is obvoius no one is hacking it, so thats not the reason. every single time i post a...


Conclusion: Dont use facebook, use #twitter..

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Anna at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Facebook profile pictures won't show up?

My profile picture shows in the thumbnail on my profile but when i click on it facebook tells me the album is empty. Also facebook keeps creating new profile pictures albums so now i have 4 albums called "profile pictures", all of them are...


Do you have ad-block plus plug-in installed in your firefox? If yes, then disable it in facebook.

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Madi at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Facebook timeline still showing as old profile?

Just under a week ago my mate posted a status on Facebook about how they had been transferred to the new Facebook timeline but didn't like it and wanted to change it back. Everytime I click on my friend's profile it still loads up as the old style layout...


"under a week ago" means that is has not been automatically published yet - your "mate...

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Liam at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

FACEBOOK: How do I block a list (Co workers) from seeing my pictures and viewing my wall?

How do I block a list (Co workers) from seeing my pictures and viewing my wall? I blocked this list under ''how you connect''. A few days later I used the 'view as' tool to see if my coworkers were in fact blocked. They were not. I tried to block this...


Put them under restricted.

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lucky88 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why are none of my facebook pictures or thumbnails showing up?

My husband clicked on Inspect Element and did something and now NONE of the facebook pictures are showing up. Even my own profile photo and friends thumbnails. Please help. This is what it looks like. And it is ONLY Facebook. All other pages are fine...


Try Clearing Cookies and Cache.

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jmichell... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


so i want to block people from seeing my PROFILE pictures on Facebook... or even just the comments. How do i do this?? thank you!!!!!!!


Go in the profile pics folder and set it to just friends. Then go to every pic and make sure its set...

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Jamie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My Facebook profile pictures no longer appear?

I have not changed a single privacy or account setting and for 3 weeks now, my profile pictures randomly stopped showing up when the thumbnail is clicked. A friend of mine also had this happen to him but his has been fixed, I'm wondering if it is some...


The problem is with your browser download opera from ..................

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Alroy Jetson at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Pictures thumbnail are not showing up on facebook help!?

facebook thumbnail are not showing on facebook not only my profile but any one uses my computer and the problem is i dont have any solutions for this i please help me.......


I think you don't have a Antivirus in your system. Better try to scan your computer with AVG or try...

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BunTy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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