How to talk to a company as a prospective contractor vs. employee?

Let’s learn how to talk to a company as a prospective contractor vs. employee. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Freelancing.

There are ten answers to this question.

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How to talk to a company as a prospective contractor vs. employee

Background: I am a software engineer. Throughout my career I have been a salaried employee. My brother's company has some imminent deadlines and they could use some extra help with things that I have a lot of experience with; I recently discussed with his boss about possibly doing consulting and she seemed very excited about the idea. I already told them that while I'd love to help them with 10-20 hours per week, I'm not interested in leaving my current job nor moving (he and his company are in...


Having been down this path before, here are some thoughts: Resume Since you are not an established contractor...

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durron597 at Freelancing Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

IRS Determining "contractor vs employee"? SS-8 form?

I worked for a company part-time for 2 years while I was a student. The first year I earned $1,000 the second year(2006) I earned $15,000. The company gave me 1099-MISC instead of more


If you are recognized as an employee by your company, your company will set that up for you with the...

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QSG7ATVG26URHXGRWYMGDOXRMM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

1099 Contractor vs employee salary question - great math/accountant question!?

Problem: I interviewed for a job in State A that offered a salary of $40,000 plus Medical Benefits. The estimated value of the Medical Benefits is $6000. The company then more


Plan on needing double the money. Anything less is begging for trouble.

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63ZCI5J2MDEEMZTB64MX7X5KC4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Was I an employee or independent contractor?

For the first 14 months of a position, I was employed (W-2) by company A that placed me in another company B to work full-time as a programmer. Company A would bill company B for my salary. After 14 months I became a permanent employee (W-2) of company...


You were an employee, but not of company B for the 1st 14 months, so they are not responsible for that...

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Seniors Guide to Computers at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Independent Contractor, or Not?

Supposedly I'm an Independent Contractor. But I never signed a contract. I began working for my most recent employer in early 2005, brought in through a temp agency. I was formally hired 6 months later as a full-time employee with health benefits, vacation...


I'm not going to sugarcoat this. The intensity of your boss's ignorance could blister paint. And you...

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SoftSummerBreeze at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Hiring a worker - contractor or employee?

This will be an online retail company. I want to hire someone to take care of order fulfillment/shipping. When an order comes in, he will be notified by email (or he can also login to a website to check the orders). What can I do to make sure he will...


Confirm my advice with a CPA. If good, then proceed as follows: 1. Draft an agreement that specifies...

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Skt at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is it legal for an employer to withhold pay if an employee doesn't complete their timesheet?

I work for a small company where employees are chronically lax about completing their weekly time sheets.  Payroll is now threatening to withhold pay for salaried employees who don't complete their time sheets correctly - is this legal?   Is the situation...


Yes, this is probably legal under both Federal and State law - so long as they are do pay you once your...

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Cliff Gilley at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

How to deal with a Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde co-worker/friend/former employee

Contractor who works for me is a nice guy - reasonable, good sense of humor, can work out problems in a sensible way. Except when he turns into an arrogant, mean tantrum throwing bully. What is the best way to deal with this? My small business has merged...


"John, we all have good days and bad days. I'm sure you have the self-awareness to know that when...

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Melsky at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Personal Loyalties vs. Institutional Loyalties and Organizational Behavior

I'm doing a literature survey on what causes people to behave in certain ways when their loyalties conflict. I'm at a loss for literature on the subject so I'm asking for help finding online papers and dissertations on the subject. Basically personal...


Hello again, Jimmy. Thanks for getting back to me on this. Like I said earlier, there doesn't appear...

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jimmyho-ga at Google Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

1099 contract when I was told I'd be w2, how do I navigate this?

On Tuesday I drove across country to start a new role in the Bay Area. Prior to this I was working on a year-long contract which wasn't renewed. During the interview process I was looking for a full time role, but was convinced that this was a good opportunity...


You've just been given a massive pay cut and possibly a benefits cut. Your new company misled you, either...

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anonymous at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

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