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There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Need advice on nursing career?

Help! Im so confused. Im interested in nursing and I have no background on healthcare. I have a degree on fashion design and currently work as visual merchandiser in a fashion company. It sounds glamorous but the money isnt that good. Money isnt the only motivation for me to do nursing. I know the salary is good but I like helping people too. My concern is that I cant quit my job or reduce the hours because it pays my bills. and I heard horror stories about how intense nursing school is and it demands...


Hi. I've been a hospital nurse for 9 years now. My best advice for you is that money should be your...

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kyu at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Need Nursing School Career Advice Please?

Hi guys, I am a 23 year old male and I need some nursing school career advice. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I graduated last May with my bachelors in sociology, and I would like to go back to school to become a registered nurse. I am a compassionate...


Since you have bachelors degree have you thought about doing an accelerated second degree program? They...

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Carribea... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Need advice about nursing school! help please!?

I want to get a bachelors degree in nursing. The thing is, I HAVE to go to a community college my first year of college, then i want to transfer to Texas A&M in College Station.. i need advice about nursing school and how many years of pre-reqs,...


You need to get together with an academic advisor to plan your courses. You should become familiar with...

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Kacy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Need career advice. I hold an USA, 2 year nursing degree which appears to be useless in the U. What to do?

I hold a 2 year (RN) nursing degree which seems to be useless in the UK. I have decided to give up on nursing altogether. I also worked in the library for 15 years as a Periodicals assistant which is specific to the library workforce. I don't for-see...


Your Nursing Degree is of great value here in the UK. I would suggest that there is a possibility that...

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hiya at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Need advice and tips on nursing. Feeling over whelmed?

my son was born 2 days ago and i want to nurse. I have a 22 month daughter that i exclusively pumped for for 11 months due to latching issues so i know about milk just not nursing. He has a great latch and eats very well so far but is literally nursing...


Nursing constantly is TOTALLY NORMAL for the first few weeks. :) You can nurse in public discreetly...

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mommie of a princess at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Im a new nursing assistant at a nursing home and need some advice?

so i just started a new cna job at a nursing home 2 days ago and well it is so nerve wrecking. the part that is nerve wrecking is remembering ething about your patient to just who is more


Just take your time and do your best. Don't try to take shortcuts to keep up. If you fall behind, just...

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QXABH5MEY7OJIRNPGPC2Y623AU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

NURSING and need help/tips/advice from experienced Mommas...?

1) I'm going back to work in about 4 days and my 6-month-old is still not cozy with our friend the bottle. She just REFUSES. I've been trying since she was about 4 months old. Even others don't get her to take it very well. She will only take about ...


wow, congrats to you for nursing and wanting to continue to give your daughter breast milk. I haven...

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iHeartMy... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I need advice on weaning my daughter from nursing.?

Many of you are going to be shocked/horrified and your going to want to bash me for being a bad mom and tell me im sick and all that stuff...yea....keep it to yourself. Use your judgment. I seeking real advice here. I dont need anyone trying to make...


Holy balls. I am nursing my just-over-2.5yo, couldn't be happier about it, get no flak whatsoever. Your...

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L-train at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Need advice on how to study nursing Pharmacology?

This is my 2end semester in Nursing and need advice on how to learn drug classification, adverse affects, sign and symtoms, contradictations, how to adminsiter drug, pregnacy catagory, what to avoid all sucessfully. Currently we have a test next Wednesday...


I am a teacher and wonder if you are my student. Whether you are or are not, I am hoping this advice...

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shondaca... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Please help, I need some advice about nursing, anyone been in the same situation as follow?

I did a degree in nursing, which I just finished a few months ago. I started work in ICU and been ther for 4 weeks now! As much as I enjoyed doing my nursing training, I'm now more


I wonder what it is that isn't giving you satisfaction from your new role. Is it very different being...

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MIIHSESC7DXVK4TQ7ONBSXHOQI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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