What are online shops like modcloth.com?

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hospitality equipment shops

need to find all major wholesalers and retailers of hospitality equipment wordlwide that sell stainless steel milk jugs used for frothing milk for coffee machines. i need atleast 30 main countries with this information. what i am asking is for you to...


Hello, Porsche1-ga, Let me begin with the corresponding apologies. First of all, I couldn’t finish...

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porsche1-ga at Google Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Shops in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas ?

So I live in Australia and my family and I are going to America next year (Los Angeles, San Fran and Las Vegas) I'd love to do lots of shopping but i don't really know any shops I'm looking for lingerie shops like Victoria's Secret Novelty shops like...


You'll find plenty of shopping options in L.A. and Las Vegas. I've never been to San Francisco, but...

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Dresden Rose at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Duplicate shops in aberdeen?

Who do i talk to about the fact that Aberdeen is bad enough without all the shops being the same? There are 4 NEXT's, 3 Boots, 2 Marks and Spencers (and the first one is fairly massive you will know if you live in aberdeen. So whats the point in spending...


You could try airing your views to your local councillor or MP. I agree with your "rant"....

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Emma at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cool shops in San Francisco?

hey, im in san fran for 3 days and i need some suggestions. I dont want all the big brand clothes and mainstream shops, im looking for really cool shops. e.g, vintage shops, magic shops, trickster/prank/gag shops, comic shops, maybe even a cool clothes...


If you want to escape from department store purgatory, you need to get far away from the Union Square...

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Ohr Shoshani at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the best way to convince off-line shops to answer customers' requests from Internet?

This is a business challenge from real company: Goods Search Service - www.ikuplu.ru I have a list of off-line shops (>1200), who are selling things to customers every day. They are facing customers in their shops and by the phone, but processing...


Could we get a little more information about their type of business? Its clearly retail, but what kind...

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Daniel Augustine at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Golf Shops in the U.S.

What is the current number of golf specialty shops in the U.S. (all 50 states)? By golf specialty shops, I do not want to include major sporting goods chains or mass merchants that happen to sell golf equipment. Only on course and off course golf shops...


Hello again franky99-ga, I'm glad to hear that the information I've been unearthing is on the right...

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franky99-ga at Google Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Chains of shops with clothes in Poland

Need contacts ( preferably email but fax would do as well ) to the chains of shops with clothes for young people in Poland. If it is easier for you, it is OK for me if you give me the contacts to all the chains of shops that sell clothes (not only those...


Hi creativeboy, Thank you for accepting what I have provided as an answer. I'm glad that you have found...

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creativeboy-ga at Google Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I'm going shopping to London soon, suggest good vintage/indie shops? :)?

I'm going to London in January and would love to know of some good shops to go to other than topshop, urban outfitters, uniqlo, or h and m any people living in London that know of shops with similar clothes to these shops. Little vintage shops too would...


Brick Lane in East London has some great vintage independent shops, its becoming really popular. Camden...

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Andrew Nuding at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Hi British people! Could someone please explain what the "high street shops are"?

I am currently translating an article and I am not sure how to translate the "high street shops" - it may sound silly, I know, but, the thing is that I am not sure whether it's possible to translate it just as "shops" or are those...


Its our way of saying shops on streets. For example, instead of having a shopping centre all the shops...

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Sofia Pezoula at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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