What are some good table games for kids?

Let’s learn what are some good table games for kids. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

3 Year Old Birthday Party games is this enough to keep them entertained?

My son is turning 3 in two weeks. He's having a Disney Cars theme for his party as well as having invited about 12 other children his age or a year older to come to the party. It's only going to be 2 hours long from 2-4 because I don't want the hassles...


Wow, you put a lot of thought into this. As long as you keep in mind 3 year olds don't always do what...

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ladedamo... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Good games for the dinner table?

Wealth-of-information filter: family-friendly games for the thanksgiving table? I'm aware that similar questions have probably been asked, and there are probably appropriate pages online. However, I've sifted through tens of pages of search results for...


Mafia (sometimes called other things like werewolf) is an easy and fun party game. I've always played...

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R a c h e l at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

CPS take away her kids please answer now ?

My cousin got a black eye from falling and hitting his eye on a table. He's 2 and my aunt took a picture of him where he looks like he is going to beat someone up it's funny. So my mom put the pic on Facebook and my aunt started freaking out saying CPS...


You seem both really annoyed that your cousin may get taken away...and annoyed that people are dumb...

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JLG at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do I have enough things for the kids to do?

I am looking for a craft that kids can do at my son's 6th birthday party. We have a jumper house and a pinata. I bought scratchers online (kids scratchers) and there will be 3 winners. What else can or should I do? My mom mentioned a craft table, but...


I would not do the lottery tickets. I personally find it inappropriate and some of the other parents...

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bayebd24... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How to keep the kids busy and me sane on Christmas

We are hosting the family Christmas celebration this year. I've got the food, the gifts, and the decorations under control. I need help with the entertainment. In particular, entertaining eight kids in a very small house. Our family gatherings are usually...


I've recommended these in other AskMes - there's a game I was taught once in a kids' theater group,...

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rebeccabeagle at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

What steps do i need to take to recover a 4X8 slate on a wooden frame pool table with a new cloth... ?

the table is a 4x8 slate... duffern games room table. the slate is in 3 pieces. i need to take the table apart and reset the slate as a screw that holds the slate to the bed snapped as we were moving it. I assembled the table anyway and let the kids...


You can go to refelting.com and it shows you step by step how to refelt your pool table. Go to the website...

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rheasloa... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I make these games easier for kids?

I need to modify these games for toddlers (ages 1-3), because I got them from preschool sites, so they are for older kids. This is for a fun learning program I am starting during the summer. I have 5 kids in the program: a 1 year old, a 1 1/2 year old...


I use to keep a large group of young kids ages toddler-4 or 5. I'd kept them during bible study groups...

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Kamelia.... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some of the better educational apps and websites out there for kids?

What are some of the better educational apps and websites out there for kids? As a father, I'm anxious about the education of my children. I want to impart on them my love for tinkering, experimentation and science in the hopes that even if they don...


These are our favorite educational apps (for a 2-year-old & 5-year-old). I don't know about that...

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postergeist at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Games for 1-5 year olds?

We're having a family reunion this weekend and I am in charge of games for the little kids (ages 1-5) that should last about an hour. There should be lots of kids. We were thinking we'd have lots of little things like bubbles and sidewalk chalk and maybe...


you could get some small wooden crafts and have a section for painting things such as bird houses or...

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Katie L at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I have to give presentations on historic games.. what should I say?

So I got a job giving a presentation on historic games like the jacobs ladder, the ball & cup, graces, the hoop & stick, etc. i have a little table with these games and kids can try them out. I do this at a historic village (kind of like williamsburg...


Start with how games are now in relation. NOW we have electronics, games are less active (with respect...

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essence at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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