What are some split screen PC games?

Let’s learn what are some split screen PC games. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Quora.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What are the best two (or more) player split screen PC games?

I'm looking for some interesting games to play with my wife while her gaming PC is being fixed. i.e. we've got just one machine for the time being. (However, if needed, we could have multiple mice/keyboards/etc such as used for Rag Doll Kung Fu, which...


Rocket League is probably the most popular right now:It's a really fun game, though a bit difficult...

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Ryan Cheu at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions


any games like borderlands fps/rpg not fallout (i don't even think there alike) or is there a way to get split screen on pc version? (by any means possible) thanks all


Split screen really isn't possible on PC. The closest you can get is to play a LAN game on 2 PCs using...

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John at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I want some good 2 player split screen games for pc offline.?

im tired of playing single player games . does anyone know names of some good games for 2 players like beyblade or mission games , etc


screw games, just watch pornographic material with your family.

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MQ4BJWTCK4MNJ2VBMQB44ZMHSE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Any good split-screen PC games?

Question is pretty straight forward, but please no soccer games. :P 2 Player (or more) on just 1 PC.


Left 4 dead apparently.

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Diogo at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


have, just press the split button.

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wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are there any split-screen pc games?

So 1 person can play with keyboard and other with usb controller


Nope, there is no such game available... Good luck!

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The Great One at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


i love playing hockey, basketball, football, or baseball with my bro. its two player but instead of...

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CCNHU5V44KW5UUMQ742F3EYACI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Split Screen PC Gaming with Xbox 360 controllers?

Is it possible, if i have 2 Xbox 360 controllers, to play PC games on split screen multiplayer? for example i know Modern Warfare 3 has split screen on xbox 360 and ps3, but if i use two xbox 360 controllers on pc, can i also play split screen?


No. You cannot, we're not Xbox or a PS3. Also Mouse & Keyboard > Console Controllers.

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Bassam Al Ali at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare in Multi-player Split Screen on a PC?

Here's what I'm looking to do: I want to get Modern Warfare (and other games) for PC, plug in 2 Xbox controllers (into my usb ports), and play Split screen with 2 people, as ...show more


I don't think you can. PC is mainly online/single player. Unless you have antoher copy of the game and...

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AXTPNETNT4VKMR4Z7C5IIPVZ44 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Ps3 to PC to 2 Different Monitors for Optimum Split Screen -to- 2 screen play! HELP!?

HELP needed from Techs Only dealing with Ps3, Pc, and monitors? ok first off let me start out by saying that if you don't know what you are talking about please don't post anything! This question is for Tech save people ONLy please! This is what i would...


The time lag from the data conversion (HDMI capture then render onto the computer monitors) will be...

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DJ_J-Sic... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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