What capacity wind turbine should I buy if my monthly consumption is 1000Kwh for my residence?

Let’s learn what capacity wind turbine should I buy if my monthly consumption is 1000Kwh for my residence. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

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That's One Million Watt Hours or 1.3 kwh per day or 13, 100 watt light bulbs on all day. Your going...

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ZXLIKCE5VQTHVT3JYDXVAKFNYM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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What if I wanted to buy a wind turbine?

If I bought a 400w wind turbine how much would that off set my electric bills? I live in a high wind area, say I have 20-30mph winds once a week with 13-17mph 3 times a week. I watch TV, the computer, and use the water pump, fridge and stove regularly...


One post is correct in a way but he is forgetting the output is 12 volts DC and is NOT 120/240 volts...

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gloria w at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Where can I buy a wind turbine?

my leccy bill is very expensive, someone suggested i install a wind turbine, would i need planning permission


i saw B & Q were selling things like that, they ad solar apnels as well, but they are very expnsive...

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GCUECBLD2YQXMV76QIUJSFRDS4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How big of a solar array would it take to equal a 2500kw wind turbine,if both produced there full capacity?

for a one year period,if both were equally optimised,then how many typical single family homes's could be powered?how do you figure out how much physical space do each or both require,if the turbine has 80' blade's and is mounted on a 140m tower?


Total solar energy at the Earths surface is somewhere around 1kw/m² but typical solar conversion...

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TOM W at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How big of a solar array would it take to equal a 2500kw wind turbine,if both produced there full capacity?

for a one year period,if both were equally optimised,then how many typical single family homes's could be powered?how do you figure out how much physical space do each or both require,if the turbine has 80' blade's and is mounted on a 140m tower?


This answer depends on which Solar panel you use to answer the question along with the numbers for Standard...

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Kelly at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the ratio of consumption to production on an average wind turbine over the course of a year?

This is a follow-up to Do wind turbines use any additional energy to start spinning?


Note: up-to-date material on this subject maintained here:  Parasitic power and wind turbines. Sounds...

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Michael Barnard at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Where can I buy a good wind turbine kit for under 30$?

i want to do my science project on wind energy but i don't no where to get a wind energy kit. Also it need to ship fast. 30$ is my limit


Check this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PHH…

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Steven S at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cheapest place to buy Replacement Netbook Battery for MSI laptop Wind U100/ BTY-S11, BTY-S12, 3715A-MS6837D1, 14L-MS6837D1, 6317A-RTL8187SE, TX2-RTL8187SE /9-cells Black 7200mAh High Capacity

Where can I find a great deal online for Replacement Netbook Battery for MSI laptop Wind U100/ BTY-S11, BTY-S12, 3715A-MS6837D1, 14L-MS6837D1, 6317A-RTL8187SE, TX2-RTL8187SE /9-cells Black 7200mAh High Capacity


Replacement Netbook Battery for MSI laptop Wind U100/ BTY-S11, BTY-S12, 3715A-MS6837D1, 14L-MS6837D...

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kumari at Amazon Askville Mark as irrelevant Undo

I am building in costa rica and im looking to buy a wind turbine for a 1400sq foot home?

i will have a water heater tv video game stereo microwave house lights and a fridge and a computer what should i buy please help


you need to look at solar to handle the bulk of your energy needs, and use wind as an extra bonus. for...

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Ivailo at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Looking for 50/100 watt wind turbine for low speeds winds. Recommendations?

I am looking for a wind turbine to add to my off grid solar system. I looking for a 50 or 100 watt system. Where I live I don't a lot of wind so wind turbine must be very efficient. I am not sure what the best option would be build my own or buy one...


I don't think they come that small. Given the typical usage factor of 20%, that will give you an average...

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viva_mex... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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