What creative/Artistic jobs are there in Media?

Let’s learn what creative/Artistic jobs are there in Media. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What are jobs in the media?

Could I have a list of the jobs in the media please thanks,


Journalism - magazine, newspaper, blog, script Publishing Tv presenter advertising radio presenter drama...

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BONK at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

How can I look for digital media design/production/development jobs?

How can I look for entry level digital media production/development jobs in a city I don't even live in?? I'm graduating with a major in music and a minor in computer science in the spring (with a pretty fair to bad GPA...probably about 2.5), and I haven...


I may come across as a little harsh in this - I'm just trying to be be realistic. My background is rather...

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anonymous at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Media related jobs? i need help with my future job?

im 15 years old, and soon leaving secondary school. ive got to make a choice about going to six form or collage soon and i dont even know what i want to do when i grow up?! I am currently studing Media Studies and from what i know im interested in Media...


Where do you live?!? Do you have a school newspaper you could help out with? Or a year book you could...

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Carly at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What social media marketing part-time jobs are there?

I used to work as a social media manager on a freelance basis but started working in an agency. Basically I hate the agency world and I'm struggling there. Can't go back to freelance due to financial reasons so I've thought that maybe I could get a part...


Blogging is always a opportunity to build your own job, if you learn SEO, and your knowledge of social...

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Edmundo Pérez at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are most of the social media jobs in Birmingham, UK, at agencies? Why?

I'm currently looking for a social media job in the West Midlands and I'm finding that most of them are agency. I would prefer working client-side but these jobs are rare to find in or around Birmingham! In London there are hundreds of social media client...


I live close by to and have worked in Birmingham. I agree with you, there are far more agency based...

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Yasin Akgun at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Question about jobs in media, magazine and tv - university and media studies ?

I really want a job like writing for a magazine or working behind the scenes on tv shows maybe production or something like that, my question is what would i need to study at University in order to do that and what qualifications for Uni would be needed...


I have a close friend who worked a long time as a journalist, and recently got into TV production. But...

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Danielle at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What jobs can you get from doing media studies and drama/performing arts as gcse's?

hey, can someone tell me all the jobs you can get from doing media studies and drama/performing arts as gcses. and can someone tell me what you do in media studies? thanks


Media studies is an academic field related to social science and humanities and it covers the content...

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gahda at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Media Studies? What jobs can you get with a qualification in that?

After completing the Bachelor of Communication at my university you can then choose to do a Masters degree in Media Studies. What type of jobs can you get with this? I was thinking that I would major in Journalism, however I would like to know about...


Probably a teaching job where you could parrot all that blather back to unsuspecting students. Journalism...

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oX-Stace... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What jobs can I get with a degree in Media Studies?

I am thinking about majoring in Media Studies. What jobs can I find with a B.A in Media Studies.


Public relations.

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electro.... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What types of jobs are there in using social media?

I would like to know what types of jobs one could get using social media without actually working for the social media companies.


Being a Social Media Manager is a General job title for someone who handles Social Media.  There can...

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Marcel Tirado at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

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