What does it mean to be a marketing specialist?

Let’s learn what does it mean to be a marketing specialist. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by ChaCha.

There are ten answers to this question.

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The Marketing Services Specialist is responsible for completing various technical tasks for clients...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

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Is our SEO specialist and copyrighter optimizing and marketing our e-commerce website in the most strategic and advantageous way? Is there more we can do?

Is our SEO specialist and copyrighter optimizing and marketing our e-commerce website in the most strategic and advantageous way? Is there more we can do? We own and operate a modest e-commerce retail store online. We have been in business for 2.5 years...


Yep, the more back links the better. Also, if you can get links from a variety of different sites and...

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lorebella at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the biggest challenges as a social media/digital marketing specialist?

People think they can hire secretaries to handle their social media pages and think that this, alone, is what social media marketing covers. What are your thoughts? I am interested to know about the challenges social media marketing/digital marketing...


Life is a never ending challenge. Now, to the question. To me the biggest challenge for marketers is...

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Dan Richmond at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is anyone a marketing research specialist or advertising specialist? Or does anyone know one?

I'm conducting a marketing research project and my goal is to improve a current business's advertising campaign. It would be greatly appreciated if a marketing research ...show more


Hi Emily. Since this question was posted in Search Engine Optimization category, I am assuming your...

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6QLHLXLMPJZUPTCFJMSH6CL3MA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How would a Marketing Specialist transition to a UX career?

I have my annual review coming up and I'm going push for a new position title. I'm currently a Marketing Specialist who handles the web communications and website for the company. I'd like to transition into more UX related career in the future. (I'm...


The way lies not in a job title - try this instead: Eva Kaniasty's answer to What should a software...

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Eva Kaniasty at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What does social marketing actually mean?

In this new world of social communication and marketing through social channels, what does social marketing actually mean to you from a planning and delivery point of view?


Many people mistake this with social media marketing however on the contrary to the traditional cut...

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Martin Harpar at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

If I've begun working in-house for a start-up as a marketing specialist, will it be hard for me to switch to an Agency down the line?

I've worked as an intern in an agency, and would like to be able to join one later on, if I move. Right now, I'm a big part of the marketing team for a Philadelphia start-up, but in the future I'm wondering what my options will be.


You should be fine. Demonstrable experience is what all parties want. The only thing of working client...

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Jamie Riddell at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Marketing Specialist-For Project. HELP!?

One of the questions for my project is: Examples of places that a person in this area could work. It's for a food and nutrition course, so technically, it's a food marketing ...show more


If you can't figure out where food marketing specialists are needed, marketing might not be for you...

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UFVXYZADPZKKPHU56RAZ5F77VQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

When will we see the role of Social Media specialist disappear and become a skill of a Marketing person rather than it's own independent position?

Currently people who understand, and are adept at Social Media, tend to be hired on separately from the Marketing positions. When will we see the ability to "get" Social Media as just a skill as opposed to a specialized profession?


Saying when it will happen is a tough call, but I think the question actually doesn't go broad enough...

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Jeremy Epstein at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the best resource to find an entrepreneurial, technology, web marketing, social media specialist for a product ready to launch?

We are seeking a young technology and social media marketing guru to partner with for several projects (the first of which is ready to roll). We are using this concept as a mechanism for identifying the perfect entrepreneurial candidate for a long term...


Advertising the position on LinkedIn offers you an affordable (<$200) way to  target people who...

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Andrew Rowland at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

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