What is a natural, inexpensive way to make my teeth white?

Let’s learn what is a natural, inexpensive way to make my teeth white. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What's the fastest way to make your teeth whiter at home?

Please seriously question. Need daily routines.


Use a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Works wonderfully, but my dentist says you can...

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Flipstuh... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

I use Crest whitestrips, but my teeth are very spaced, what inexpensive way can I make them close?

My teeth are all very spaced apart like my dad's, but thankfully not as bad... yet. How can I fix it now without paying tons of money? My Crest Whitestrips are great, but my teeth ...show more


The only real way to get them closer together is braces. If there were a cheaper way nobody would get...

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326VUHFX3P67TTK3QWAI6DFSWQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is a good way to make my teeth white?

My teeth are extremly yellow, what should I use to make them white again?


Crest White Strips

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C4LX6UDRLGLE7WNCZP4OG44KAE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's the best way to make my teeth super white and clean?

I just want to make my teeth white and clean. Is there a mouth wash I should use too?


Dont drink dark soda, smoke, eat chocolate, drink coffee, eat blueberries, etc or anything that can...

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car1999 at Ask.com old Mark as irrelevant Undo


Use Baking soda with a little bit of toothpaste while brushing teeth Or rinse with peroxide then water...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is there a natural way to make your teeth whiter?

Is there a natural way to make your teeth whiter?


Yes. You can rinse your mouth with peroxide - just make sure not to swallow it! And then, after you...

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ZKHQ3G3O5RXKEORMM3IMLKC2XA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats the best and most effective way to make your teeth white?

Hi I would like to know what's the best way to make your teeth white? What product or anything else could I use?



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Luis at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

One of my teeth is discolored because I broke it once..is there a way too make it look white?

the nerve of the tooth died so the color is grayish and i want to know if there is a way to make it look white like the rest of my teeth. would whitening help? (like the professional one done by the dentist)


you need a porcelain veneer

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Jae C at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Best way to make teeth white?

I have braces which sucks and when I get them off I want to whiten my teeth. I was thinking about baking soda and I tried it I don't know if it worked but I was also thinking of trying bleach. Good idea? If you have better ones please help because I...


I suggest using a whitening toothpaste since you have braces. Arm and Hammer's Whitening Booster works...

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Ryan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is there any better way to make teeth more white?

hi my aunty is so beautiful she is fair and thin she has everything perfect except her teeth.her teeth are a bit yellowish even though she brushes her teeth twice a day even at nights ...show more


Hi jasmine i hope this msg finds u and u'r aunt in good health, I read so many comments given by so...

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WROG3I25IFQDIS4AQK6HPOBSV4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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