What is the Exchange Student Cost?

Let’s learn what is the Exchange Student Cost. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

How much does it cost to get a foreign exchange student?

okay, so i really want a foreign exchange student next year. i want someone from brazil or portugal (my cousins live there) and i would like if my cousin could live with me for a year... how much would it cost? and how do you do it?


Hosting an exchange student is great! My husband and I have hosted 5 and are absolutely addicted to...

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iloveme at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

What is the cost of going to Ecuador as an exchange student?

I'd like to become an exchange student in Ecuador but before I can make any kind of decision about it I need to get a general idea of the cost. I'm thinking of doing the exchange through Rotary, since I've heard that its one of the cheapest and best...


Hi Emily! Costs for exchange programs vary widely, based on where you're coming from, where you're going...

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Emily at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Affordable cost of being an exchange student?

I really want to be and exchange student in Japan so bad. I've been planning on doing this for the past two years. I qualify for everything except the cost. I don't know the cost, well I kinda do however I can't afford 5 grand. My dad won't pay that...


High school or University?

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LoneWand... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cost of living in Roskilde as an exchange student per month?

I am going to Roskilde as an erasmus student for 5 months. (Roskilde Business College). I just want to learn about the student housing in Roskilde or in Cophenagen. Can I find a student house easily? What about the rents? I want to know about a one month...


Depends how big and nice you want the apartment, how much food you eat, what you drink and how much...

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elif g at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Exchange student cost of living in TOKYO?

I'm planning to study in Tokyo for one semester. I'd like to know what is the average monthly cost of living for a student in Tokyo. That cost of living should include everything from rent and services to food and fun. Please, if anyone has studied in...


Generally, EXCHANGE STUDENTS live in the home of a host family, so most of that won't really be your...

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jackskel... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How much does it cost to be an exchange student to Japan?

I'd like to go the year after next for half the Japanese school year or more. I've googled prices but can't really find what the different options are. I'd also like to know if it would cost less if my family hosts a Japanese student in exchange?


Hi there! You might want to check out a few different exchange programs. There's many out there, such...

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Krissy Lyn at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How much does it cost to be an exchange student in Japan?

I want to be an exchange student in Japan when I get older. How much does it cost?


It depends on each program. Maybe, $5000-10000.

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Suzuka at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Exchange student cost?

im year 11 in new zealand & i REALLY want to spend year 13 (my last year of college) over in america through exchange student- its the cost im worried about. i want the cheapest way possible.


call AMF...american field service and ask them. I never used them but was on their website

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Jordan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How much would a summer abroad as a foreign exchange student cost (roughly)?

I was going to be a foreign exchange student this Semester, but my dad lost his job so we couldn't do it. But my dad has new job, not as much money of course, but I am still dieing to do this before I graduate. How much would a summer abroad cost (like...


The cost will depend on the program, country, length of stay, and whether or not you get a scholarship...

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Kailey at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Does being an exchange student have a cost?

So I want to be a foreign exchange student. I was wondering how much it cost? I at least want to stay in Spain or Portugal for at least one year.


Yes, it costs money...why would someone just send you to Europe for free- that would be silly If you...

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Raul Vargas at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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