What is the difference between present and ancient agriculture?

Let’s learn what is the difference between present and ancient agriculture. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by answers.yahoo.com.

There are ten answers to this question.

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What is the difference between present and ancient ...

What is the difference between present and ancient agriculture? ... What is the difference between present and ... What the differences between ...


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What is the difference Industriaization/consolidation... of agriculture Vs. Organic agriculture?

What are the differences between Industriaization/consolidation/corporati... of agriculture Vs. Organic agriculture. I need a few examples please!


Traditionally, organic agriculture is run by small, family-owned farms to cater for a small, niche market...

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RJ55DI44YU65OQD7MQYPFWHRTY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's the difference between subsistence agriculture and market-orientated agriculture?

Where are these two types of agriculture most common in the world?


Other than subsistence agriculture providing for the farmer, differences may also apply to methodology...

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WLLD4JXE7F7VZJTV6YKQ2NGUQY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


India is a developing country. India doesn't have the ability to restore efficiency in agriculture....

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wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo


Commercial is for industry (city people) and while normal farms send stuff to the city, it's often where...

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community wiki at wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo


Subsistence farming is when nearly all of the crops or livestock raised are used to maintain the farmer...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


Agriculture is farming and non-agriculture is non farming.

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The differences between subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture are as follows: 1. In subsistence...

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Intensive agriculture: great production to hectare, efficience, use of fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation...

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