What is the job market like for occupational therapist in San Diego?

Let’s learn what is the job market like for occupational therapist in San Diego. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What is the job market like for occupational therapist in san diego?

im thinking about moving from michigan to san diego. what are some things that i can do to prepare to move to san diego? any body have any tips or advice from your own personal experience?


Hi! I did some checking and found the average salary for OT in San Diego is $63,000.00 That salary will...

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LaDdu at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Current Job Market in San Diego?

My husband is being relocated to San Diego this spring/summer. Can anyone tell me what the job market is like there, particularly in the legal field? I am a paralegal/legal assistant with 15 years experience and need to find a full-time job. I have considered...


As of March 3, 2010 Monster.com only has 11 job postings with paralegal in the description. I based...

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Lori H at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Moving to San Diego-Job market for finance MBA?

I am planning on moving to San Diego Aug 09'. I have an MBA in finance so I am looking for something in that genre. I know it would be wise to try and get a job before I move out there (currently live in New York City area), so I was just curious what...


If you have an MBA in finance two geographical areas to look for jobs would be downtown San Diego and...

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Martin D at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is the job market better in San Diego, than in LA ?

I live in LA, and i'm wanting to quit my job and actually try to end University, which i missed out on. I'm 22. What's San Diego like for that ?.. and also if im looking for jobs, is in any different than LA ? or the same..


I actually think there are more jobs in LA because of the demand. It's pretty hard to get a job here...

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MAsd at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How good is the job market in San Diego?

I am looking to move to San Diego area preferably near Ocean Beach. I will be moving out with two of my buddies and I am wondering how hard it would be to find a job. We are looking ...show more


CA. has a 12%+ unemployment rate. Unless you have a special needed skill, work won't be easy to find...

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OAR2UZQN4WUFA2SUQXHBOT52UI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How good is the job market in San Diego?

I'm thinking about moving there from the East coast but finding a job would be my number one concern. I have a four year degree and have worked within state govt for 5 years.


takes about 6-8 months to land a job with the county or state. you definitely shouldn't consider getting...

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Anna at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Its Harder to Find a Job in Los Angeles vs. San Diego?

I really need to find a job in Los Angeles that pays at least a monthly salary of $1,200 but it seems that I am having no luck my job now aint cutting it here and need something just a tad more though I do know that it has seemed easier to find a job...


San Diego is smaller than LA which means there are way less jobs. but you could keep looking in both

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Codreezy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Job opportunities in San Diego with a business degree from UCSD?

I stated on here earlier that I want to move to San Diego.. and now when I think of it, I *really* do want to. But does anyone here know if going to UCSD for grad. school (Rady School of mgmt. specifically) will give me a good shot at getting a good...


UCSD is the best university in San Diego and one of the best public universities in the nation. After...

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two_desi... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Okay, how is the occupational therapy market in San Diego? Average Salary?

I definitely want to move to San Diego - the cold Chicago winters are killin' me...Is it a better idea to earn my masters degree in Occupational Therapy rather than elementary education? Can I live in San Diego comfortably as an Occupational Therapist...


Yes, I would suggest getting your masters in OT over elementary ed. I know a few OT's in San Diego and...

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Jo at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


San Luis Obispo will be a dramatic *cultural* change for you. It's about 3-hr drive away from Los Angeles...

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Z5PB7VHGGVEO7LBPHRRT4LEBKA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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