What is the weather like in Western France?

Let’s learn what is the weather like in Western France. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by traveltips.usatoday.com.

There are ten answers to this question.

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Geographical Highlights of the Weather & Climate in Europe ...

Geographical Highlights of the Weather & Climate ... southern Spain and France, ... Finland and Russia possess a subarctic climate, like that of western Alaska ...


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What's the weather like in France?

Hi, I'm doing a project for school about France and I would like to know whats the weather like in France and how much rainfall is there each season. Here are my questions. 1) ...show more


Eastern France (excluding south-east) The east of France (except near the Mediterranean) has relatively...

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5LAA2GWPLVPYEE2EWL3GFLMKOE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

<br>What is the weather like in France?

My mum is taking my brother and I on holiday to Cote d'Azur in France in two weeks, what is the weather typically like in France this time of the year?


France is just recover from a major heat wave that brought nearly 100 degree temps to the whole country...

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lottie13 at Ask.com old Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the weather like in march/April in France?

I have a school trip over the easter holidays to France for 9 days what is the weather like it is snowy or cold just like the Autumn months in Canada or the USA? Please let me know so ...show more


Unless you're a subtle soul who finds true poetry in winter landscapes and activities, Paris in March...

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HATL43QVG3EOHQQYT4Z5IY3TUY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What will the weather be like in Paris, France this June? Also, how not to look like a tourist?

Going to France end of May, beginning of June, what websites will show me weather in past in Paris? Is it necessary to bring a rain coat/wind coat? Should I bring heavy sweaters, ...show more


France will be warm, there could be light rain, so bring a rain jacket and light sweaters, not many...

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QXVPFC6J7KBC2V2Y4O5LPJZ4UU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the weather in Nice France usually like in June and July?

I have heard that Nice, France is really hot in June and July. However, I am looking at the 10 day weather forecast and the high is in the 70's every day. Is this normal weather for June?


How would you expect the weather to be in a place called Nice ?

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nicole at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the weather like in France in July?

I'm planning a trip to France in July and I was wondering what the weather is like (in Fahrenheit) ...Also, what clothes should i pack? (jeans or shorts?)


warm and some rain. lots of daylight by the way (not dark until after 9 pm).

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YYHHYCC4WEVB562PA5S34LUSRU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's the weather in France like??

I'm going to France next month and i was just wondering what is the weather like :-)



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Lisa M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the weather like in France in early April?

I am going on a school trip to France in April for the 95th anniversary of Vimmy Ridge and I was wondering what the weather is like there. Also where are some good places to shop ...show more


The weather is nice. Wear typical spring clothes. Nobody wears UGG boots in France. They are UGGly.

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SDBZGYPAQSW67YE7ASOPV4P72U at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the weather normally like in October in Paris, France?

I am going to Paris on October 28th. What is the weather usually like around that time there? I live in Scotland and the weather here in October is pretty crap. Will it just be the ...show more


Gray, cold and rainy

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PVTGSTI7NQWO3GL5WUW5W5XEDE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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