What is your favourite Beer?

Let’s learn what is your favourite Beer. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

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What is your favourite beer?

Name and country


Killian's Irish Red, made by Coors now in the good old USA.

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What beers are your favourite?? Want to discover some new beer names.?

I am a big fan of beer. Love all kinds of beer. German, Belgian, Checzh, Latvian, American, Canadian.. Could tell me about your favourite beer?? I want to try something new.


Duvel - or any of the other 200 odd produced in Belgium

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VUHNPFESVINFUIMHMFYVIEHX24 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Beer and Football: regional differences. What's your favourite beer, nearest city and team that you support?

If you don't like beer then don't answer, because that is of no interest


1. mythos beer 2. thessaloniki 3. aris fc (my city's team) liverpool (my heart's team)

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БloozБoy José the Second Coming at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are most Australians favourite beer or lager?

What are most Australians favourite beer or lager ? What do you guys mostly drink


Most so-called Australian beer (Fosters, for example) is brewed in the UK and few Australians drink...

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R4YD6QCYW5RWTXCG4ZLLDXHBTI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is your favourite beer to...?

What is your favourite beer to: Casually Drink? Get drunk off of? Chug?


Samual Adams for all 3 !!!! also Bud and Miller to chug

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52BBQFRKBBX27LP2Q3MWCY3L2A at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's you Favourite Canadian beer ?

Mine would be Steam Whistle, but whats your favourite.......... yes their is a 'U' in favourite.


Moose Head Stay Thirsty My Friends!

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TF2WPGU65Y2IZWZI44L55U3GPU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is your favourite beer?

Tell me what kind & brand....If you don't like beer, tell me what you do like.


Fat Tire or anything made by Great Lakes Brewing Company.

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Ian at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is your favourite beer?

Mine is one called Hobgoblin. http://www.wychwood.co.uk/beers_hobgobli… So what is your favourite one?


My favorite beer is my next one

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The Patriot at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is your favourite beer?

Simple Question, what beer tingles your senses the most?



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R.C at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's everyones favourite beer/lager?

Just wondering if there's any great beers out there that I haven't tried yet. So, whats your favourite? If you can avoid the big brand names that'd be great (already tried most/all of them-e.g. Stella, Fosters, Carling, Carlsberg, Heineken etc etc).


my favourite beer is a botlle of bavaria ice cold. delish!! and its not coz its E2.50 a bottle either...

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Michael S at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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