What kind of cleaner is used to dry clean clothes?

Let’s learn what kind of cleaner is used to dry clean clothes. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by home.howstuffworks.com.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

How Dry Cleaning Works | HowStuffWorks

How Dry Cleaning Works. ... in suspension as it becomes loose during the wash ... that cleans clothes without water. The cleaning fluid that is used is ...


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Looking for a clothing rack of some kind that could be used to hold clothes right next to my bed?

in my apartment i have a walk in closet a few feet from my bed like 10 or so i want to be able to get up and right next to my bed there is a corner where a chair is where i put clothes to wear the next day instead of going into my closet is a there a...


A storage cube, a trunk, or a toiletry butler, something like a stand alone hanger, w/ a place for slack...

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Gabe at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


When washing yours clothes, always use fresh or purified water.

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wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo


The starch that is used to starch clothes is just regular starch.

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


You need to use fabric paint that is specially designed to stay on clothes in the wash and not wash...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


The company will, in many cases, "pre-wrinkle" the shirts for you. Jeans can also be purchased...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


I didn't find exactly what Wire clothes hangers are made of, btu did find some that are chrome plated...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


To Tie-Dye a shirt you will need: Measuring Spoons. 100 Percent Cotton T-shirts, Salt, Heavy-duty Threads...

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Amy S. at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


The chainstitch is still used today in clothing manufacture, though due to its major drawback it is...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

What kind of clothes were used in olden Norway?

I mean olden as in former Norway, not the actual city "Olden" in Norway. I'm working on a presentation about Norway in the 1800-1900´s but I cant find much information ...show more


They wore the fashions of their time,in keeping with their climate,and social status.

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5H6HJAXQG44RSYI5S3C75Z77AI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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