What's a water cooler for a PC, is it worth it?
Let’s learn what's a water cooler for a PC, is it worth it. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by pcworld.com.
There are ten answers to this question.
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If you're pushing your PC to its limits, choosing the right cooling option ... Liquid cooling vs. traditional cooling: ... water cooling is its ...
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i just finish my first pc runs at 26 C to 32 C this was after i installed Xp and all the other software what the Max Temp this pc shoud run iwth 3 80mm fans and 1 120 mm fan ?
randike2... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I have MS and in a wheelchar, so I sit here in front of my computer all day. I used to paint w/ acryllics, so I thought I might enjoy painting photos. I tried to find one on the web, but one says "this one" is a good, the next one says it isn...
Art Weaver and forum, http://www.artweaver.de/index.php?en_ver… http://www.artweaver.de/forum...
cas1025 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I am thinking of doing a water cooling setup but there are still some things I do not understand. 1. What is a "Laing" pump from what I've seen there are normal pumps and Laing pumps, whats the difference? 2. Is larger tubing better than smaller...
Water cooling is not something I've done to a huge extent in the past but here goes: 1. Laing is a brand...
Tom Smith at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
my water cooler is made by primo its starting to buckle and lean to one side it doesn't want to cool the water all the time it very picky on when to cool it and when to leave it room temp hot water side is fine but i want a better cooler that will dispense...
Can find one at Depot or Lowes, or likely many other places as well. They sell both free-standing and...
Felician... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
i dont understand why people buy water coolers for their computers, is there anything cooler computers do better than warmer ones?
Yes the processors and GPU's will run much better cold they dont like heat a bit like us humans could...
Chris at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I am Moving to ethier Japan OR Germany OR Italy OR colorado OR virginia and i want a video game to keep me occupied so if none of those are good post other pc game ideas please ( - =
If you like old west, Call of Jaurez is a great game, Bioshock is good, call of duty 4 is good,crysis...
Z43ZHYLOIKFVHGHQTS5FAFWHGY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
Building a new one so im throwing a bunch of extra parts together. Was wondering what id get for it. XFX 5870 Phenom II X4 955 4GB Patriot ram 2 1 TB WD Blacks Win 7 Xigmatek 650 psu Gigabyte GA-MA790XT MB Some Azza Helios case May include a 23 inch...
Brad A. at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
Well heres what happend, I sold my PS3 a few months ago; about now I have gotten bored without gaming and was going to buy a gaming device again... I was getting all excited and thought building my own gaming pc would be great or even buying a gaming...
I am console gamer and even though I have a high spec PC I dont play games on it. I have street fighter...
connor at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I am at a university in NS right next to a salt water bay. Our water that comes from the bay is treated, but the problem is that it is sooo loaded with chlorine, its pretty nasty to even drink. The university recommends Breta Water Filters to attach...
The reason your tank is getting cloudy after one day, is because you're changing out the whole water...
anthonyw... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
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