What's the difference between a Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology and a Bachelor of Science - psychology?

Let’s learn what's the difference between a Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology and a Bachelor of Science - psychology. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by psychology.about.com.

There are ten answers to this question.

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What's the Difference Between a BA and a BS in Psychology?

Are you trying to decide between a bachelor of arts ... or bachelor of science (BS) in psychology? ... degree in Psychology. What is the difference between ...


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Whats the difference between a Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology and a Bachelor of Science - psychology?

credential wise, can either one do better than the other? which would you go for?


A bachelor of science degree involves more credits in the sciences, so for your descretionary classes...

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7XNTZ7JF6GM5GN4VHELNLXMBMY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats the difference between a psychology degree and an arts degree majoring in psychology?

is there a difference? in an arts degree do you do other minor subjects as well rather than just psychology? so credential wise is there actually any kind of difference?


check with the university directly.

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FFJUOUP6IAFLCKVWFPDDUROKSA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

For Industrial Organizational Psychology, should I get a bachelor's in arts or science in psychology?

I want to become an industrial organizational psychologist but I don't know if i should get a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science. Which one should I take?


That is up to you. There is no significant difference between the two.

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Emil S at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


It is just a different approach depending on which focus the department prefers. A general overview...

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community wiki at wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's the difference between Psychology Bachelor of Art and Psychology Bachelor of Science?

I'm going to take Psychology BA first year in this year but i'm still pretty confused. Should I hv taken BSc in the first place?


Its an administrative thing. Science degrees usually have less general education requirements and more...

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TV3Y7SNGTP6HGPJK5TKXHBZKM4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Bachelor of Arts of Bachelor of Science in Psychology?

I'm currently in high school and plan on going into University to get into Forensic Psychology, which means eventually I'll have to get my Masters degree,but for now I'm not sure if I ...show more


It really wouldn't matter if you got a BA or a BS. However, it WOULD be useful for you to do a double...

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IGMNEVHIBV4AQB42OHUOOFTV64 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

BA vs. BS in Psychology?

So I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here. (I'm a Canadian student, Grade 11 or a junior in HS) Note that either way, I am planning on being a psychologist when I'm older (mainly therapy, so I guess clinical psychology) so I am planning on...


The main difference between the BA and BS in Psychology is quantitative versus qualitative study. That...

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CoachT at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Help with information on Sports Management or Psychology Career?

I’m stuck between two programs I’d like to enroll in for college. Can anyone help me by giving the lowdown on both of them or in any of the two fields? My two passions are Sports and helping people. I’ve narrowed the two programs I...


be a sports psychologist

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Goodfell... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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