When is the independence day of Bangladesh?

Let’s learn when is the independence day of Bangladesh. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

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For the last 38 years, the people of Bangladesh have been celebrating the ‘Independence Day&rsquo...

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C2X5SYQAZ3FOJR4QX4LGSDQDOU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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Any Bangladesh Independence Day texts?

Hi As Bangladesh independence day is coming up on the 16th december, i thought i would just say an early HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all the bengalis! anyway, i was just wondering ...show more


Thanks for telling me I didn't have a clue, well I'd have probab;y found at tomorrow though, but no...

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LKO3TI5X6M6R4BSOS2LN7OHJNY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Which is the independence day of Bangladesh?

Bangladesh was born on 16th of December 1971 after a 9 month long war of independence. The war began in march in the same year. Major Zia ur Rahman a young major of Pakistan Army ...show more


March 26, 1971 ~$~$~$ Thanks ~$~$~$~

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GMZRTCICG5IIRNAUD6U4NGMCEY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


they dont

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community wiki at wiki.answers.com Mark as irrelevant Undo


This is a difficult question because all three have more than their fair share of frenzy and fervor...

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Rakib Islam at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo


Pakistan greets Bangladesh on IndependOtherence Day ISLAMABAD - Bringing utter shame to the office of...

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gundr at Amazon Askville Mark as irrelevant Undo


Bangladesh declared Independence on March 26, 1971. Today Bangladesh is a sovereign and independent...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


I dunno, but if it's called "Free Bang", I'm there.

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IBIV5C2X6JM5GQVEDQBUYSOYUU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


26 March 1971

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UODEPLRCZV6OUM7KMJP23I576M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

When India and Pakistan celebrate Independence day, are we actually celebrating?

Division day? Why do we need an Independence day to celebrate and iterate our division and slavery to the British policies years ago? Include Bangladesh to the list. Enclosed ...show more


I appreciate Ahsan Javed's drawing. He has reciprocated my feeling. The division of India into 2 countries...

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CWAWMZPVGVDYIXJZOWQ7H6Y4E4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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