Which Information Technology degree should I get?

Let’s learn which Information Technology degree should I get. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by eHow old.

There are ten answers to this question.

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As our society becomes increasingly dependent on technology and the Internet, jobs in information technology...

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Mandi Rogier at eHow old Mark as irrelevant Undo

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Which degree would best benefit me to get a job as a cop?An Associates in comp information technology or....?

criminal justice? Which one would help me get a job easier and maybe make more money?


Okay, well I think your best bet would be to get at least a 2 year degree (associates) if not a 4 year...

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G2JNI2ZTFEY6SZPKV7EAEPNJ7E at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Will a Bachelors degree in Information and Computer Technology get me a good job?

I'm getting an associates degree currently in Computer Information Technology and I'm going to transfer to a university and this is the degree program it will transfer into. ...show more


There are no guarantees of anything. However degrees in computer science, accounting and/or engineering...

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EIMOO3RA6RACSROOUUAVRZPGMM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can an Indian with Bachelors of Science from Information Technology degree from Mumbai University and experience of around 3 years get admitted in U of T for MS?

I am a Bachelors of science in Information Technology graduate from Mumbai University with 3 years of experience as a java developer (Software Engineer). I want to do MSAC from U of T. But the problem is they want 4 years bachelors or 3 years bachelors...


Email your case to the student advisor as he/she is the best person to ask to. graduate.information...

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Vishal Nain at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What potential masters degree can I get with a bachelors in Information Technology degree from USF?

I am looking to further my education....is my IT degree worth it? Is it possible to get a masters in an Engineering field? or any other field?


The masters program stands on its own, no prior courses will transfer and will not be used. You may...

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Mr.Morga... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What kind of job can I get with a Health Information Technology degree?

I am going to school for Health Information Technology and am just wondering what kind of jobs I can get when I graduate. It will be an associates degree. All of the descriptions ...show more


hi jools steven here from dublin ireland as you might know ireland is in the grip of the worse ression...

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JUHL2VAQWKGIYIRCEPRRCLW7GI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's a good job i can get with an AS degree in computer information technology.?

I am going to a community college to get my AS in computer information technology.. What are some of the jobs that go along with this degree and how much is the pay?


It totally depends on your experience and references, which are far more important than what degree...

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4C6ZBE2B2EBHOZKDK2CVHD22FA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can I get a job in information technology with only an associates degree?

I will be starting college in january for Computer information science. will an associates degree be sufficient? Or would it be better to get a bachelor's degree?


The important thing in computing is experience of whatever software you are going ot be working on....

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46BLXPLOL2HOVERTFXWOXVH6ME at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What kind of job could I get with a degree in radiology and a degree in IST/Information Science & Technology?

I'm going to have an associate degree in both fields and was wondering what types of jobs are out there where I could utilize both.


X-ray tech Computer Troubleshooting

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DU5ZA4DI36YQZWUQZ34T5XL2VE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I am planning on getting an associates degree in computer information technology. Should I get my bachelors?

I am planning on getting my associates in computer information technology at a local community college. Would it be beneficial to get my bachelors in this field? Will I have a hard ...show more


Get the bachelors only if you want to make between 50% and 80% more money the rest of your life. With...

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KC5L4OUELBZ4H5NB2FJ7OVZZTE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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