Why are there some planes that have a Flag or national symbol on the rudder along with the Fuselage symbol?

Let’s learn why are there some planes that have a Flag or national symbol on the rudder along with the Fuselage symbol. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Why are there some planes that have a Flag or national symbol on the rudder along with the Fuselage symbol?

My question is why do some military planes and helicopters have both the Fuselage insignia and then one of the following on the Tail Rudder: A Flag, another Insignia, or The Tricolor? I know this has been done on planes since World War 1 to the present day but I do not know the reasoning for doing this. The countries that I have seen this on are Germany, Great Britain, France, Former Soviet Union, India, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Indonesia, Mali, Bulgaria, Cuba, Peru,...


its just further identification i guess.in world war 2, the RAF had the RAF roundel, but with a yellow...

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A Is For ANDROMEDA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Do you consider the American flag a racist symbol?

Why do people not consider the american flag a racist symbol?The US government committed tons of racist atrocities to the hispanic,irish,indians,japanese,and blacks.Far more than the confederacy did in its short lifetime.Why is it that people are so...


any american offended by the american flag should be shot for being a traitor. @original liberal-are...

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FOR at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why can't planes fly without a rudder?

I've seen documentaries where planes crashed due to a rudder falling off or a piece of the tail falling off. The plane beings to fly Uncontrollable. Is the rudder required to main ...show more


Airplanes turn by banking, which is done by the ailerons. The rudder control is used to ensure that...

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BVFFFYPTX3VYAYUWHYSNFQRHOY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Did you know the star on the israeli flag is actually a satanic symbol, a hexagram?

This symbol was introduced in 1948 when the Rothschilds took over palestine and renamed it israel. The symbol was displayed over Mayer Amschel Bauers money lending shop in the late 1700's. The symbol means as above so below and is used to call demons...


Hah, this is the problem with half knowledge. It breeds crackpots. The Hexagram was adopted for Israel...

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Dan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

US Flag - A symbol of Standing Proud?

US Flag - A symbol of Standing Proud? So, why the flag will offend anyone if you proudly display your country's flag? Is it not what a patriotic citizen suppose to do? Why are ...show more


They would have to take me to court or jail before I would take my flag down.

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DCS3EOLXUTVBSA322JAGIDBGOY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the symbol or flag of our planet?

All nations, all societies and communities have a symbol, logotype or flag that defines them and the specific characteristics of the beings that involve them. It is unacceptable the planet earth, our mother and our home doesn't have one. We need to have...


Earth does not have one. Does anyone ever notice that in all science fiction other planets have one...

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francisc... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why is the rudder on a C-130 so tall compared to other planes?

Why is the rudder on a C-130 so tall compared to other planes?


Longitudinal stability. The fuselage of the C-130 isn't very long, and a larger vertical fin is necessary...

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5AD5O6BWICQNLEFY65JJ5BULWM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why do some planes have an exhaust in the back of the fuselage?

I've noticed that aircraft like the 767 have an exhaust at the end of the fuselage, right under the tail. What's the purpose of this? I didn't realize there was an engine there (or was a need for an additional engine).


This exhaust is for the auxiliary power unit (APU).   Basically this is a small turbine engine used...

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David Prody at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the emblem or flag or symbol for the euroean union?

the flag for the eu eg just as un has one flag or emblem just as every has one one flag so as i wana know that of european union


There you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eu_flag

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EVANS X at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is there a flag or symbol that represents earth?

Each country on earth has a flag (or so I believe), but does a flag or other symbol exist that represents earth as a single united entity rather than as a country on earth. The reason I ask is more to do with our expanding search beyond earth and into...


thats a good question

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emailtea... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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