Why does the figure show black image only in Matlab?

Let’s learn why does the figure show black image only in Matlab. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Stack Overflow.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

How to make the data tip of matlab figure show the image gray level color and not its RGB value?

I have images with gray level value and I'm displaying them using matlab imagesc function. However, when using the data tip with these figures the RGB value is displayed instead of the true gray level color. How can I change that to display the gray level color of each pixel of the image?


Using colormap(gray) after your imagesc() function will convert the display image to grey scale. imagesc...

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user4861528 at Stack Overflow Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Matlab- Saving an image?

I wanted to know what is the difference between imshow(I2, []) and imshow(I2) I checked out your post on Background Illumination and the image is dark when using only imshow(I2) while the image is great when using imshow(I2, []) The problem I am facing...



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ashvin a at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I'm sorry, Dave. I cannot show you these images.

Is there some sort of free-as-in-beer program to tell you what if anything is wrong with an image? I'm part of this project at work where we're scanning and uploading images to put online through some proprietary software. The project has been basically...


Have you considered just converting them all to the same format instead of displaying them as is?

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anonymous at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

What Type Of Image Scanner Can I Use To Capture A Clear Image Of A Carded Figure?

Ok, I need to scan an image of an action figure that is still in the package. I have been using this Epson Printer/Scanner type deal but it is not doing the job properly. I am looking to get a good clear image of the item without any blurriness, but...


you don't use a scanner to do that kind of job. even your web cam can make the result you wanted. above...

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Kevin P at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Lines of best fit in matlab?

Lines of best fit in matlab? So I am new to Matlab and I'm doing a lab where I have six curves and I need to plot the line of best fit (least squares fit) of each. I don't need to use the whole curve but only the portion that goes from x=.1 to x=.5....


You can use 'polyfit' to get a fit, and 'polyvalue' to interpolate values. Then you can plot whatever...

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GeorgeCl... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

MATLAB source code for " Elliptic curve cryptography for text and image encryption"?

Hi all....................... I am doing my academic project on " Elliptic curve cryptography for text and image encryption". using MATLAB. I am facing problem to code in ...show more


Why those little---Ugh, prisoner! What happened to our mutual agreement? I can give you a clean slate...

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7D36JPJBOURVAHSOS4UWXNGWQQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Vector Addition in MatLab...?

I'm trying to write a vector addition program in MatLab and can't figure out how to do it. This is the first time I am using MatLab to do anything and it is much different than the C++ programming I am used to. If someone could show me a completed vector...


MatLab is way easier than c++. You are probably trying to make this harder than it is. If you have defined...

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Inferno1... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can you figure out what's going on with this image sharing account?

Over on the image sharing site MLKSHK there's this account - thefabulous52 - that posts strange collages and I'm trying to understand what's going on, or why, or ... anything at all, really. MLKSHK is a site populated by humans, as far as I know, with...


That or the internet is now alive and is just fucking with us for the hell of it...

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komara at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

MATLAB: How can one do sub-band coding/image compression?

I have to take an image process it through LPF and HPF simultaneously, and after decimation I have to show the low low band and high high band. Any idea?


Matlab has already a routine for subband decomposition. Decompose signal into high-frequency and low...

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Konstantinos Konstantinides at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

My sidebar image on Tumblr won't show up?

For the past few hours, I've been trying to figure this out. For some reason, I CANNOT get the sidebar image on my Tumblr blog to show up. I've tried clearing, and then re-uploading it numerous times, and nothing is working. I've tried asking the theme...


is there a button that says show photo or sidebar image/photo if so then click it , if u already have...

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loki - ✖ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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