Why doesn't my Yahoo 360 profile picture show up?

Let’s learn why doesn't my Yahoo 360 profile picture show up. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

My Yahoo! Answers profile doesn't know I have a Yahoo! 360 account. It won't show my picture?

Okay, so I made a Yahoo! 360 account and I change my picture. I went to my Yahoo! Answers Profile and clicked Use my Yahoo! 360 Picture. It wouldn't work, and I understand it takes time. Then I was going to say "Use my Yahoo! 360 Nickname" and it says Profile not found. So when I go to "make" one it is signed into my 360 account already. I assumed that Yahoo! Answers would know I had one then, but it doesn't! They are the same email addresses, they are the same nicknames. Please...


Since there isn't a link to your 360 in your Y/A profile or your question, then it's not easy to confirm...

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Å∩¡Σ@⌠ └♥√φr ♀ζωικός ~†~ εραστ♀ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Why doesnt by 360 picture show up on my yahoo answers profile?

I did it all right but it came up as a little red box, i did this a couple of weeks ago and it stil looks like it, iv tried changing picture and it still wont work


You may be unable to get it to work. You may want to try re-saving the image in Microsoft Paint (or...

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Rossenator - (vcc) at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Yahoo 360 picture?

ok so, i have a picure on my yahoo 360 page but when i go on yahoo answers on "edit my info", the pic doesnt show up when i click "use my 360 pic" .. it shows that i dont even have a 360 picture but i do ! its on my 360 profile!!...


be sure u "set as primary" picture in 360 & save then in answer's profile click "...

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ツi love the JONAS BROTHERS! at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Does your Yahoo 360 Picture show n your profile?

Because im trying to get a picture from my yahoo 360 profile. When i use my avatar it shows on my profile not when i choose my yahoo 360 pic, ive checked ive uploaded the picture as my 360 account picture, but it wont show on my profile


It used to do so when I chose to use it. Double-check that you are using the correct Yahoo services...

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Rossenator - (vcc) at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I have a Yahoo 360 picture but it doesn't show up on edit my profile on Yahoo Answers, why?

I have a photo set as primary on Yahoo 360; go there and see: http://360.yahoo.com/red_1106 I have done everything that yahoo says to do and I still can't put a picture, yahoo 360 primary picture, or avatar; here on Yahoo Answers. Nothing shows up here...


Red, it sounds like you may have only an alternate profile and not your main Yahoo! ID connected to...

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Eric M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

On my Yahoo 360 profile, why is it that my profile picture that I selected will not show up?

On my 360, I uploaded a picture to set as my "profile picture", but every time i select the "set as profile picture" option, and then save it, the next time i ...show more


Because Yahoo is jacked up. I used to show 4 and for the last year i can only display 2.

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YFW6S2YMAUAPKG3XXK7OWGZQAY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Help getting my yahoo picture on my profile to show up even when i tell it to use my 360 picture?

i downloaded my picture to yahoo 360 then chose the option to use that picture on my profile and it still does not appear on my answers profile


Your first answerer is correct and the rumors of Yahoo closing the 360 format have once again surfaced...

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U2F24KNI3PPACQ6PGRKJ634JTA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I get my Yahoo 360 picture to show for my Yahoo Answers profile?

I've tried everything and I'm getting SO frustrated. I've created a 360 profile and uploaded a picture. I can view my 360 profile, and see that my picture is there. Somehow, the 2 profiles won't connect with each other. I've been working on this for...


Well, I can't see your Yahoo! 360 profile - there's no link to it in your question or in your Y/A profile...

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Kel <3 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Yahoo 360 picture won't show! My profile tells me ive got no 360 picture?

Im looking at my 360 picture on another window. I've searched answers but can't find anything new


If you explain the problem to the 360 team using the beta feedback tool here: http://add.yahoo.com/fast...

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chrisbow... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why doesnt 360 link show up on the new yahoo profile?

i have put a put a profile up on the new yahoo profile, but was wondering why there is no 360 link there for people to go to


While some elements of Yahoo! 360 will transfer to that universal profile (UP), that aspect has not...

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Shelba B at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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