Why doesn't my computer play dvds?

Let’s learn why doesn't my computer play dvds. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

My computer wont play DVDs or CDs anymore?

My Computer used to be able to play DVDs and CDs but it wont let me watch anything anymore but my CD-Drive doesnt show anymore on my computer. Could someone please give me a solution? My computer is a Gateway running windows Vista and the model number is a GT5404.


Looks like a hardware problem. If you don't see your CD/DVD drive in my computer. Then you have to check...

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lilprjit... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Why doesnt my computer play dvds when it used to?

my computer was recently wiped clean cos it was running badley and before it was done my dvd used to work now it doesnt and dont no waht to do to fix problem


When you "wiped clean" your P,C,. you also removed the program which contained the necessary...

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kaz at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Computer suddenly wont play dvds?

so my computer suddenly wont play dvds. it says it doesnt recognize the format, but that doesnt make sense because i put in a bunch of dvds that i've played lots of times before. its a dell computer. i unistalled the dvd rom drivers but that didnt help...


You may have erased or uninstalled something important.You can install VLC media player. I had to when...

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Elizabet... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why wont my video card play my DVDs?!?

so i just built a new computer and i dropped in 1 XFX GeForce 9800 GTX+ and i have a Samsung Black DVD burner. im running XP Pro on it. i tryed to play a dvd movie in windows media player 11 and it gave this error message: "Windows Media Player...


Might this be because you are trying to play a DVD that the regional settings of which is incompatible...

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ryan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How to Rip Dvds to computer free?

I have a sweet new head unit and i can play videos on it. unfortunately it doesnt play dvds but it plays videos if they are on a USB port or ipod. I dont have an ipod so i use a USB port. I need to know howto rip dvds to my computer so i can put them...


All you need to do is to import the DVD, choose output format, like WMV, AVI, etc, select destination...

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thirdpla... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

DVDs are jumpy when i play them on the computer?

When I play DVDs on computer, I get jumpy audio playback...? Using Power DVD and also tried Windows Media Player, but the same thing still happens... Nothing is wrong when I play CDs, but when I try watching DVDs, the audio is always jumpy... help? ...


Computers are worse at running DVDs. The only way to view them better is to improve your DVD drive,...

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TheApoca... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My computer won't play certain DVDs...?

I have a Sony Vaio computer (purchased in the last year or two). It has a CD/DVD player, but I have found that it will play all DVDs except ones with a 1.85:1 screen ratio. Most of the DVDs I own have a ratio of 2.40:1, which seems to be a standard screen...


well i would've took it back if it was recently. it is problary got something rong with its reading...

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Julie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My computer recognizes my dvds but dosn't play them?

I got a computer a year ago and it was supposed to play dvds, i didn't really worry about it not running them until now when i want it to run dvds. It runs perfectly fine and the dvd spins up and my computer says it's there but it dosn't play it or give...


Hi.. "supposed to play dvds " or just "Read DVD's " there's a difference. If you...

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Ryan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Computer wont play DVDs any more?

I took my computer and had it debuged and now it Wont play my dvds, before the debuging it play Just fine!now it says no dvd decoder installed ,did the computer guy erace something from my computer.From what I understand he dumped my harddrive


I'm not a PC guru, but the repair guy might have deleted the driver for your DVD player. Call him and...

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danny c at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My World War 2 DVDs don't play on my computer.?

I bought a set of 12 World War DVDs but 5 of them don't play on my computer Liteon SHOW 1695 dvd but play on my Pioneer dvd player. 7 of them play. I tried DVD region+CSS free but those 5 still don't play. The drive shows empty please insert disc.


Those 5 disks are recorded in a format your DVD player doesnt understand. . There are currently about...

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djrutart at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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