Why is it good to be an Agricultural Economist?

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There are ten answers to this question.

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What makes a good economist?

I am asking practising economists to contribute to this one. What qualities make a good, solid, decent economist? What questions should she or he ask? When does an economist fail the profession? What are an economist's responsibilities? We all know Keynes...


First of all... To start a carrerr in economics doesn't mean that you should be known about all the...

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Siddhesh More at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Why isn't the Kindle version of The Economist available in continental Europe?

Is there a specific reason why The Economist's availability on the Kindle is restricted to the US and the UK, while many other magazines (like Time or Newsweek) employ no such restrictions, and even as certain other services profit by delivering magazine...


The Economist has granted Amazon the right to release the Kindle edition throughout continental Europe...

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Tom Standage at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Which economic forecaster or economist can you really trust most of the time, if not all of the time?

Which economic forecaster or economist can you really trust most of the time, if not all of the time? Please tell me whom you really trust. I found an article about the real use of economists. Even though it was written in a Canadian newspaper back in...


If someone could predict economic upturns, downturns, and wild cards, do you really think they'd tell...

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cluelessguru at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

What's a good economist book?

I dont know much about economics but my boyfriend is doing a PHD in economics. I wanna buy him a good economist book for birthday. Not quite sure what I kinda of book I should get him. He has Wealth of Nation which is quite popular. What do you suggest...


I'm an econ nerd and these are three print based economics items that I would like to get. a subscription...

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sealove at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why do Liberals think that because Warren Buffett is rich and wants higher taxes, it makes him an economist?

Last I checked rich doesn't equal economist. Moron rappers like Lil Wayne and Kanye West are rich too, does that make them economists too even though they never went to college? So what makes liberals think that the Buffett Rule is good economic policy...


I'm liberal. As far as I know, Warren Buffet is an investor, not at economist. The ability to make money...

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Just some person at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why are Wattsup and his dupes here ignoring Economist's conclusions about recent global temperature data?

Economist's conclusions: "Good news we must use...[for]...putting a price on carbon and ensuring that, slowly but surely, it gets ratcheted up for decades to come." ...show more


Even though the Economist has bought into the bad assumption that the Earth's temperature is not going...

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32PTYBEB7FRVCHRL4J7P4C4XLM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why does John Maynard Keynes end "The General Theory" with "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist."?

It just seems so odd to me. Why would he attempt to persuade governments to act a certain way and then say that these men are just acting as a slave of a DEFUNCT economist?


Keynes' statement is part of a long tradition, insisting that philosophy influences us, even when we...

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Ed Caruthers at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why is the pricing of the digital edition of the Economist location-dependent?

It make sense with the print edition. In addition to the variable costs of printing and circulation, it has a greater share of revenue from advertising, unlike the digital edition (see Tom Standage's answer to Why is The Economist's digital subscription...


Yes, one of the pricing strategies is to make the product available to the customers at the price that...

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Roopashree Nandipaati at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why doesn't The Economist app allow its iPhone users to click on the texts of their articles?

As a non-english speaker, iPhone's built-in dictionary is very useful to read some english written articles. The problem is, The Economist app doesn't allow its users to use a define function iPhone provides by prohibiting clicking on the texts of its...


Hi Tom, I have been using The Economist app for iphone and for ipad. Dictionary function works for iphone...

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Muhammad Usman at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is a good economic news source which is more specific than CNN or the BBC, understandable by a non-economist?

Online or offline. I like The Economist, but I'd like to know if there's more.


Well, I'm a long-time Economist reader and still can't find better, but I think thes two sources can...

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Martin Pasquier at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

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