Will be there demand of computer science degree like after 15 years?

Let’s learn will be there demand of computer science degree like after 15 years. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Will be there demand of computer science degree like after 15 years ...?

like software engineering ,sysetms architect...


Moore's Law: computing power doubles every 18 months; converse: the same computing power costs half...

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R5BVGTCR3HGSX3THMXCCHERMEQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

What are the main differences between a Computer Engineering degree and a Computer Science degree?  Which one is in greater demand?

I'm interested in computer science and have been admitted to Georgia Tech.  They have a computer engineering degree with a minor in computer science but no undergrad major in computer science - their computer science programs appear to be predominantly...


There's a historical reason why UC Berkeley has both a EECS option "C" and a CS major in the...

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Piaw Na at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can I catch up if I start a full-time computer science degree at 24 years old?

I'm from Singapore. I've been working in the army for 6 years, have left my job and am enrolling in this course: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I will be 27 years old when I finish this degree and will be competing with much younger graduates...


Yes. New languages are popping up all the time and you can just latch on to one of those when it comes...

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Ben Rodda at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Help please I have my bachelors degree in Computer Science but every job required 5 years of experience?

I have graduated with my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science. It took me nearly 5 years to get my degree. I live in Chicago, and I have been searching for a job for months now but ...show more


Degrees today are a dollar and a dream. A dime a dozen. Dare to be duped. Maybe you can change your...

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6PTMCPQ2LQ5TN234YGOJUR2D3E at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the prospects of growth with only a B.E. degree in computer science (India)? I have been in a decent paying job for almost 3 years earning approximately 10lpa. Should I go for higher studies?

I would like my salary to double in the next 3 years. The option I have is to go for a MS degree in US. But then it costs too much for middle class Indians and I also have no plans of settling in the US. Should I just be happy with a bachelor's degree...


No my friend 10lpa is very good pay.You can go for MBA  only if you get IIMS or XLRI or equivalent institutes...

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Shanmuga Sundaram at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Should I consider doing a master's degree in computer science after 20 years of work experience in this field?

I'm a CTO and co-founder of a funded and I would argue successful (so far) San Francisco startup. I've been working as an engineer for the last 20 year but never studied Computer Science. It's a thorn in my side and have been thinking about going back...


It's definitely worth it if you're doing it to check it off of your bucket list.  Beyond that, though...

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Barry Rountree at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What advice would you give a non-programmer with a computer science degree willing to invest two years?

I am - 1. A risk professional. 2. with a graduate degree in theoretical computer science. 3. Who did not take up software development as a career. I am giving myself a. two years b. with approximately an investment of a maximum of two hours per day to...


I typically agree with Michael O. Church 's answer that generalist programmers should start with Python...

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Yang Jerng Hwa at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Should I do a master degree in Computer Science right after I graduate or work a couple of years first?

I'm getting my degree in a couple of months, and I may have the opportunity to get a master degree in CS right after I finish. This means that I would be getting the MS in ~2 years. Right now I'm 22 years old (just to consider), and I have ~1 year of...


Work as soon as you can, and for as long as you can.  A masters degree that enhances your knowledge...

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Venkatesh Pitta at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is a Computer Science degree possible in 3 years?

I am a freshman in college and like most people in general, I have no idea what I want as a future career. My two "passions" are music and video games, but I don't want to make music into a career. I am good at math and so called "critical...


hi kyle, four years that should be long enough for you to have a good understanding of computers and...

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Kyle at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How many years can I get a PhD in Computer Science after I get a combined BS/MS degree in CS?

My university offers a combined BS/MS program in Computer Science, which allows spending 1 additional year getting a MS degree beyond undergraduate study. However, if I want to apply ...show more


That depends on the policy of the school. However at the school I went to and many I know of (far from...

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ZB7E4OV6ZCRAEXQ5O6SWTY5PEI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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