Is this a good start for a story?

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There are ten answers to this question.

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Do you think this is a good start to a story?

So I'm writing this story called Summer Days and it's about a 17 year old boy named Tyler who loses his dad and his little sister Kenzie who is 11 and gets to be really close with him, they are both trying to stay strong while their mother is struggling with grief of the loss and turns to drinking and disappears sometimes for days at a time. Anyway, this is what I have so far and if you have any other ideas for things that can help make the plot better please give me input and feedback on what you...


thats really sad :( but in a good way, it is good that what you write has an emotional effect on your...

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regal rose at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Any good old greek legends and mytholigy stories I could start a story on?

I want to make a story like Troy, thats realistic fiction because its custom story about the legend, but I need a good story to write about. I need something more epic than Troy and 300, that could end up being a 3 hr movie? The most epic and best hero...


The Argonauts is a terrific, epic story that includes many interesting characters like Hercules and...

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Super Hot Cheetos Man at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


I wanted to post this here because there's a lot more cool people in this category than other ^ ^. Well my story revolvees around Matthew Phoenix my protagonist. I don`t really want to reveal much because I think I started off good and it`s really started...


Hey great job! Crime fiction is my favourite genre :) There are just a couple of things that occurred...

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Burak at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How to start a story off good?

Okay, I am writing a story and I have it all planned out, I'm just having a problem with the beginning. I don't wanna, like, get into the good action-y stuff right away (at least 2500) words in, but I don't wanna be super boring in the beginning either...


An idea I see used a lot is just being in the middle of a point in the story, and then you go back and...

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Emily Courtneey at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats a good theme or start for a crime story?

my year 10 english class is doing a 1000 word story and the story has to be about crime. I need it to be good because i am in the top class


And there I was, running, escaping. With my last breath I jumped with terror, trembling. But let me...

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Scott at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is this a good start to a story?

The story is called- love kills too I arrived at the cemetery alongside my mum and baby brother Lucas. The sun was shining down on us, the heat was overwhelming. The sun must have come out to say goodbye to Sam too. Just like all of the people currently...


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Philippa at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is this a good start to my story?

I just wanted to know if the start of this story was okay? There were too many sounds for one person to recognize. Leaves rustled from the gentle breeze, grasshoppers and other insects created a symphony of summer. Mitchell ran his fingers through his...


Your writing style is really good (really good adjectives and stuff), but maybe you could do some action...

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J. Velociraptor at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What would be a good way to start this story?

Weeell, I'm writing a story about a bunch of teens, pretty similar to skins. But I'm doing it in first person and focusing on one character. Basically, she acts like a complete goody-two-shoes at home and pretends to be going to school and studying constantly...


I've always been conceived as a good person, always studying, always being polite. If only they knew...

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Evie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

IS this a good start of my story?

"Welcome to Cliffwood University, miss Aly Crimson and Heather Lawrence." The principal, Miss Vivian Donahue, said as she handed our schedule for the school year. It was gorgeous. I mean the whole campus is covered with trees, students seem...


I'm sorry, I had to stop halfway through. It's not bad, there's just nothing that really pulls me in...

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charlesc... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do you think this is a good way to start a story?

Before writing the first chapter I'm writing about a page from all the characters point of view, then I'm writing normal chapters sometimes from only 1 persons point of view sometimes with more than 1 persons point of view. Do you think this is a good...


Provided the theme is interesting and the text is well written, your idea sounds good to me. Go for...

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Double Decker at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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