What are some really good prompts for a story?

Let’s learn what are some really good prompts for a story. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

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Story sentence starters/Prompts ?

Can someone give me some opening sentences for short stories. I like writing pretty depressing stuff, my main themes are eating disorders, depression and other psychological disorders, disease and writing about lives of people in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan etc. I also like love stories :) I need some prompts! Story starters, pictures anythinggg :) Thanks.


Depends on what route you wish to take. There are so many different literary techniques out there. Of...

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Cat at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions


Good writing prompts include: What is? What if? What do you think? And just plain . What?

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


Maybe the heroine is the mother-in-law, and she finds herself in conflict with her son's new wife, who...

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Laura M. at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

What prompts simon wheeler to tell the story of jim smiley?

im a little lost in the story the notorious jumping frog...


The narrator was sent to ask Wheeler about a certain Leonidas W. Smiley. Wheeler doesn't know that man...

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Val at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

List of nouns for story prompts?

I need a ton of nouns! I'll be using them for story prompts in my up and coming story. They can be anything really - just no Innaporpriate. ''Nough said. :) Thanks!


K, here ya go! Book dragon ice cream ninjas iPhone basket keyboard guitar voice Yahoo! computer choreography...

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Daniel at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I once saw a beautiful book of illustraions with one line captions as story prompts published 1994 or earlier.

I do not know the author/illustrator or publisher. The book had 20 or fewer illustrations and each had a caption line as if taken from a story. I used this as story prompts for my high school English students. I know I am not giving any info to go on...


If you are unable to find the book, you might want to use post secret. I wouldn't necessarily send your...

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hydrange... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Creative story prompts?

I have to write a creative story for english and i really need some prompts? Any help is appreciated!


Hey *How* to come up with ideas: * Come up with titles - play around with day's of the week, names,...

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lani at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Please give me some good short story writing prompts?

Fantasy and Sci-Fi preferably, but anything other than romance I would appreciate!


90% of the fantasy or sci-fi story is working around an interesting premise :-P Hmm, let me think ....

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Jylsamyn... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


Spurred on by Clyde Smith's racist remarks, Mark gives himself the personal goal to become educated...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

Fantasy story prompts like Lord of the Rings?

I love to write fan fiction and I really want to do a Lord of the Rings one. I need a story line just like what they do no specific details, please. And I need 'sideline' characters like names, race that sort of thing. Any ideas would really help.


In The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO), players can customize certain elements...

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NickyLov... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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