What are some really good dramatic monologues for a teen girl?

Let’s learn what are some really good dramatic monologues for a teen girl. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What are some good monologues for a 17 year old girl auditioning for performing arts college?!?

i am 17 years old, and i want to audition for AMDA's musical theater program in New York City. i have about a month until my audition, and i just recently realized i want to go through with it. but i need a 2 minute monologue... and i'm not sure what to do.... i can play pretty much any character, but in performances before i have played the Queen in Once Upon a Mattress, and Lily in Annie. as well as a few solo songs from shows like Wicked, Phantom, Company, and more. but my acting is really something...


You are too absolute; Though therein you can never be too noble, But when extremities speak. I have...

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shelby. at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

What are good monologues for 7th grade girl?

For theater, I need to do a one minute monologue, and I cant seem to find any good ones, there all too old for a seventh grader. Any good ones?


try Dorthy's closing monologue from Wizard of Oz. if you google it, it should come up. Remember the...

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Maya Henderson at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Good classical theater monologues for a teen girl?

I'm auditioning to be in a classical theater conservatory program for teens at my local children's theater, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a good minute monologue for me to do. The class focuses on playwrights like Shakespeare, Moliere...


If you're not way experienced, then I would go with Moliere. It would be a lot easier than Shakespeare...

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Addie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some good books of monologues for an 18 year old girl?

I am a Senior in High School and am interested in going to college for acting. Does anyone have any suggestions for a book for of monologues that I can use to start practicing for auditions? Thank you! :)


i dont know of any books but if you would like to start preparing try this website http://www.musicaltheatreaudition...

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elphaba at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some good Monologues for a girl teen around the age of 13-15?

So i need a monologue for ages around 13. And please the funnier the better. All I need is a short, ,funny monologue that appeals to the ages of 13-15. If what you can find isnt funny, thats ok too. Oh and please can you type the monologues out instead...


Write your own. Tell a story about yourself, family, friends, etc that is funny or sad. You will be...

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Benny at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


I good serious one that can really make someone cry is Katie's monologue from Bang Bang, You're dead...

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DLYEQ3S3MWNNZX74WT6YOMJTPU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the best comedic and dramatic monologues to do on an audition for a teenage girl?

What are the best comedic and dramatic monologues to do on an audition for a teenage girl?


I put together a monologue directory on my site that you might find helpful. Also have a look at the...

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SYTN6537DTGZ5HBXJU6ZCUW4QU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are good monologues for a teenage girl reading audition?

i need some monologues to read at my reading audition. It will show that i am good enough to act. Any one have great ones that will be longer than 90 seconds but shorter than 1:30 ...show more


Tip number one: ALWAYS READ THE PLAY! Never go into an audition and do a piece if you don't know the...

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XJSSZBSSZ6MSVMYWJHTNMRGR4Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are good monologues a 13 year old girl can perform?

Im looking for 2 1-minute monologues to perform when i audition for high school and I can't seem to find any! Please, please, please help!!


sheackspearian http://www.shakespeare-monologues.org/wo...

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WQRLKM7P2JSKMKNBCCSK6JDDAI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Dramatic Monologues For Pre Teen Girl?

I'm auditioning in front of casting directors and agents. I need a monologue between the age groups of 12-16. I can't find anything HELP!!


Here's 2 of my favorites. CHER’S SOUL-SEARCH (from “Clueless”) (Cher, voice-over)...

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UKOT6JY6OTC2EDSJ6J7J3CL74M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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