What are the charges for credit card fraud?

Let’s learn what are the charges for credit card fraud. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by ChaCha.

There are ten answers to this question.

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If you are charged with credit card fraud, you can get up to 20 years and/or a fine. It depends on your...

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ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

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What is the minimum amount of money that needs to be stolen to press charges for credit card fraud?

My debit card was stolen by someone who I considered a friend until about an hour ago. I learned that he went to chick-fil-a today and saw a chick-fil-a transaction on my account for $11.04. I talked to his roommate and asked him a few questions and...


to press charges it matters not the amount. it can be ¢1 and it is still punishable

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Hauged Up at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Credit card fraud...What will happen if I don't want to press charges?

Someone that I know used my name on a credit card without my permission. I know this person, and don't want to press charges. My brother however called an investigater because he ...show more


Well put it this way, your credit card company may press charges for this too you know.

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6VUSC36LFKRVJPOK5BG44ILWBU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the charges for 100 dollar credit card fraud in CA?

it was 3 months ago and the person paid 100 dollars to the cardholder. what could the charges be if the person decides to notify the police?


Jail time... you aren't just messing with a couple of hundreds. You are messing with their lives. You...

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mariah!!... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


First of all KS, you should have thought of the end result it may have causeed to BS. Messing up his...

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Anonymous at Answerbag.com Mark as irrelevant Undo

I have fraud charges on my credit card?

An online company contacted me about a purchase I made but questioned it since the phone number given was not me but they had my full name and credit card number & exp date. When the phone number given was not me he looked me up on directory assistance...


Put a fraud alert with the credit bureaus. They will notify you each time someone is trying to open...

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JustMe at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Credit card fraud charges/ jail time?? ?

what charges could someone face if they commited credit card fraud. and what possible jail time could they face?


There are tons of charges like larceny, identity theft, fraud and others. It depends on where, how much...

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j2thenar... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can a chargeback occur if a credit card company thinks the charges are fraud?

On paypal a buyer that bought from me 4 times and from other people, he said his credit card company thought the charges were fraud and issued chargebacks. He said it'd take awhile to clear up. Can this really happen?


It could,but I'd wonder why the credit card company would think that. Paypal doesn't have a history...

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Underwor... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can you press charges on credit card fraud after 17 years?

someone using your credit card can you press charges after 17 years ?


Except for a few serious crimes like homicide, the statute of limitations for both civil and criminal...

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B Larson at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Who presses charges for credit card fraud

I need to stop a family member from opening cards in my name but don't want them thrown in jail for fraud I can stop them but what about charges already made that I might dispute


It is the credit card company that investigates the fraud and it works in tandem with law enforcement...

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cabjacoda at Ask.com old Mark as irrelevant Undo

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