What kind of pieces should you be playing?
Let’s learn what kind of pieces should you be playing. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Answerbag.com.
There are ten answers to this question.
Best solution
if you\'ve been playing violin for about a year? I am 14 and been playing a year and I\'m on a Suzuki level 4/5. Is that good?
That's good Gabriella. It doesn't matter how long you have been playing for, it's what's right for you...
MusicGurl at Answerbag.com Mark as irrelevant Undo
Other solutions
if you've been playing violin for about a year? I am 14 and been playing a year and I'm on a Suzuki level 4/5. Is that good?
MusicGurl at Answerbag.com Mark as irrelevant Undo
I think internal validation is the only kind that counts so my opinion is worthless. If you are doing...
Undecided Mess at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I have been playing guitar for 4 years now, and I have reached a kind of plateau. My repertoire is mostly jazz comping, classic rock (the Beatles, the Rolling Stones etc.) and a little bit of pop-rock (Rogue Wave, Coldplay etc.). However, I have reached...
Pippa McClellan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
Been playing drum for about 6 years and im in a band playing gigs very frequently, and as of now recording an EP. Im lucky enough to use a really nice set to record, but i can never seem to get enough money to buy legit drums for myself to use anytime...
Laura at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I was getting ready to play some music on my computer and something comes up. My earphones are plugged into my computer and I can hear seagulls in the background, children laughing and playing, bits and pieces of conversations, and waves crashing onto...
You may have a prank virus or script running somewhere in the background. That's what comes to mind...
Kate18 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I've played saxophone from 3rd grade or 4th grade all the way to 12th grade and have pick it up every now and than after. I recently had a house fire and decided to donate my sax ( had some damage) to my high school in hopes that they could fix it up...
From your long time playing, I'd suggest either intermediate level or professional grade sax. I you...
sax89v at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
i was surfing the full-tilt poker tables earlier today and saw some tables of 1000/2000 no limit games going on. these people were playing with hundreds of htousands of dollars. what kind of people are playing? im know theres poker pros like phil ivey...
Players who consider risks as a part of their life and for them these high stakes poker games are made...
martinr at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
The situatution is this: Person A has a natural 4 of a kind with sixes (6,6,6,6) Person B has a 4 of a kind of kings using wilds (K,K,K,wild) Although person B has the higher 4 of a kind, does person A win the hand because of the natural 4 of a kind...
The one with 3 Kings and a wild wins. That's the purpose of the wild card, it stands for any card so...
tjb1211 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I started playing piano two years ago, when my primary school offered lessons as a part of a music program. For the next two years I have been playing on and off. Only this year have ...show more
Normal? NO -- it is absolutely unheard of. You are quite obviously a rare prodigy and I would go out...
CMVKEMLBUY5KVMZ7KP5U6U7FCI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
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