Where is a nice place near Angers in France?

Let’s learn where is a nice place near Angers in France. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Where is a good town to visit for a day near Angers, France? Possibly on the Atlantic Coast?

My friend is coming to visit in Angers, France for a week, and we have a day free where nothing is planned. Any suggestions of places we could go for the day? We plan to see Paris, ...show more


Ahhh okay I spent a few days in Angers last year. We took a day trip to Mont St Michel, its an hour...

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4KTAQHQ6BIPJ2IPOUYC3PUQZAM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Where is a good place to eat in Angers, France?

I need to know like the prices of things and what street it's located on, also what it specializes in. :]


McDonald's -- try the authentic french fries!

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AQDT6QCEUX4IY55MD3VNOUWDHI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


The statue which is the centrepiece of the fountain on Place Lafayette, Angers in France was sculpted...

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Who will win the Coup de France 2010-2011 Demi-finale between Paris SG and Angers?

Who will win the Coup de France 2010-2011 Demi-finale between Paris SG and Angers at Stade Jean Bouin? Would Paris SG going to win the Coup de France for 2010-2011 ? Place au ...show more


PSG :)

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E5GNO5F76GWJ6EBZLJK3JOLPWQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Angers, France?

Angers is a city in France in the département of Maine-et-Loire, c. 300 km south-west of Paris. Angers is located in the French region known by its pre-revolutionary, provincial name, Anjou, and its inhabitants are called Angevins. Angers is an...


correct!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angers ''the black city'' has a long history!

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abstract... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What would be a great place to visit in France?

I'm going to France later on this month, i always go because my mom's family lives there, but i told her i would rather see something different than Paris, so i was wondering what are good places to experince in modern France and rural France, so i would...


Go to the museum the Louvre. It's known to be one of the best museums in the world. Had the original...

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♥June Germain♥ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I am an american in Angers, France please help!?

I am a student in Angers, France an am in search of a few American grocery item. does anyone know where I might be able to find these items, or any American food products in or around ...show more


http://www.myamericanmarket.com/ Is a Toulouse-based service that has loads and loads of American food...

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VAYVSW3V7PI6NC6ILIKGBAVIF4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are there any clubs for college students in Angers, France?

Im studying abroad in Angers, France next year. I'm trying to find out if there are any clubs for college aged kids. Just trying to find out more about the social life for people ...show more


Quiet Rebel I went to the UCO in Angers myself for two years from 09/2002 to 06/2004! What you describe...

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MMOKXQKZG3SXWRMK5U4GG6HKXI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the cost of living in angers, france?

I need to study in University of Angers, France So i need a room outside near there... What is the average room rent (an inexpensive room with one simple bedroom and a toilet) for ...show more


Bienvenue sur Angers, Il vaut mieux éviter les épiceries et les commerces de proximit...

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QKNT3DSLPWV5TH65FPNI7YT26Q at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Food in Angers, France?

I've heard that different reigons of France have different food specialities. What are some for Angers and the Loire valley? I am planning on studying abroad there. Thank you!


The speciality of Loire Valley is wine. I'm in Saumur near Angers but I come from Paris. There are not...

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7QS7IKZ7YGGDJVVIAKXNO33K3E at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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