Why doesn't HTML have a "Slogan" tag?

Let’s learn why doesn't HTML have a "Slogan" tag. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Stack Overflow.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Why doesn't HTML have a "slogan" tag?

It seems really obvious to me that there should be a "slogan" tag in addition to the "title" tag. Many, perhaps most, websites use their business name with a slogan in their title. Unfortunately, it means that every time I bookmark a site I seem to have to edit the properties to remove the stupid slogan from the bookmark name. The behavior would be real simple: the slogan's text gets concatenated with the title's text to form the title in the browser window. But bookmarks and...


HTML doesn't have a slogan tag, because it's too specific. Many people and even web developers don't...

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Dr. Person Person II at Stack Overflow Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

I am having trouble linking in HTML, every time i use the link tag the html doesnt find what i am linking. Whats wrong?

I have created an HTML document and opened it with no problem in my browser. The trouble is, every time I try to link something (to a CSS file, image, etc.) the HTML disregards it. Within my header I have the line linking the HTML to the CSS. They are...


if you're using wordpress, remember to use absolute URLs. To link a css stylesheet, you go like this...

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Obey Gravity at Answerbag.com Mark as irrelevant Undo

3DsMax website plugin to zoom, spin and tag

3D-filterI need to know if there is some sort of web plugin that can show full 3dsMax creations on the web. Spin, Zoom and Tag, more info after the link... Originally I was thinking of rendering the animation as a movie and then streaming it in Flash...


VRML is pretty much yesterday's news, but there still are a few browser plugins available for purchase...

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spinko at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can i put html in signature box mail ?

How can I place Licence creative commons attribution, html tag, in my signature mail, because i create a slogan for my enterprise and i want to protect it from plagia or cheater.


Unfortunately, it isn't possible to add HTML tags to a signature in Yahoo Mail, though we do was a rich...

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BJWNX5XWWMSPCBAFLTL66MZTBQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can someone please check my HTML?

I cant seem to locate the problem in my HTML. The page looks fine in Firefox, but in IE the text font gets huge. I cannot for the life of me locate the tag thats causing this problem. Any help would truly be appreciated! Thank you so much! Here is the...


Remove the first <h1> tag (on line number 433) If your editor doesn't display line numbers, just...

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Yahoo at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My CSS code doesn't work..?

here is the code for my html and i want the "current class" inside <li> tag to work but it doesnt seem to work. HTML: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> ...


U have to check u'r code.

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Yuki at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Windows 7 audio sound sounds not working driver not installed asus motherboard audio card fix easy right now?

okay this is because i had a hard time fixing this problem and I know i cant be the only one. I already know the answer but this is for others who install windows 7 and everything works fine except audio doesnt work no matter what. okay so I have a motherboard...


If you can’t find the right Asus drivers manually I would recommend just getting a software program...

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Johnny at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do I get swish-e to index the contents of a specific HTML tag (not a meta tag)?

How do I get swish-e to index the contents of a specific HTML tag (not a meta tag)? I'm working on a site where the contents of the tag are generated at runtime based on the contents of an tag. Is there any way to use swish-e configuration directives...


Argh! looked fine on preview! I'm working on a site where the contents of the <title> tag are...

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expialidocious at Ask.Metafilter.Com Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is there a way to put custom HTML tag after jquery script?

I am using Google Tag Manager to track Universal Analytics events. I am putting a couple of custom HTML tags to subscribe to some click events using jQuery. The problem: jQuery code is added at the bottom of body tag (and I can't change that). GTM puts...


How come jQuery is being loaded at the end of your HTML code? It's a bit unusual. jQuery should typically...

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Lothaire Ruellan at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

HTML: Why put html end tag above head start tag, is it for UX purpose?

I've noticed a site that puts </html> above <head>. Why is that? Is it for UX purpose? Will that cause html page render display before loading scripts?


Might be some bugs of some sort and if it is a technics to trick the browser, it is definitely a bad...

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Jeremy Chone at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

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