Why isn't my printer hooking up?

Let’s learn why isn't my printer hooking up. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by AllExperts.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

hooking up a wireless printer

QUESTION: Hi Brad , I have been trying for the longes to hook up my brothers mfc 465n printer to my desktop computer and my laptop . I successfully hooked it up to my desktop that has xp pro on it. I have not had any luck with the laptop that has vista on it. The router is netgear, so I have the router and the printer hooked up and like I said the desktop is fine but I just cannot figure out the laptop. Please help if you can. Marcia ANSWER: HI Marica I need a little more information is the printer...


HI Marica Try this 1. Goto your control panel, Hardware and sound, Printers (or if it is in classic...

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Brad Walton at AllExperts Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Hooking up a Printer Wirelessly?

I have a new Toshiba Laptop running Windows 7. The Kodak ESP 5210 Series AiO printer is connected to a desktop computer with the USB cable, and that computer runs Windows XP. I had the printer set up wirelessly through my old ACER laptop running Vista...


You might want to try and see if your printer is compatible with Windows 7 through the Compatibility...

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Linda at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can I connect my laptop to my printer even though the printer isnt wireless?

I have my printer in my bonus room but it isnt a wireless printer. just a standard HP photosmart printer. But I was wondering if its possible for my laptop to print to that printer since maybe the laptop and desktop the printer is plugged into is on...


TRY THIS LINK AS IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using…

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samrrozz... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My hp printer isnt working!!?

my 1st hp printer was working perfectly fine but the glass broke on the printer so we exchanged it in less than a week (btw the printer is brand new a hp photosmart plus) and the 2nd one only worked for one day the printer saids that i sucessfully downloaded...


Contact HP Here is the HP site, You have several options. On line live chat, email or telephone tech...

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Yebin at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


i need help hooking up a lexmark x75 printer to a dell computer. my computer crashed and then when it was fixed the printer wasnt installed again. i have the cd and when i put it in it says- the application failed to initialize properly click ok to terminate...


Remove the power and USB cable from your printer to the computer. Visit Lexmarks website below.. http...

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miichhel... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Hooking up wireless printer to my laptops?

I need get my laptops to connect to my printer. I currently have them hooked up to the printer through a wireless broadband conncection through my desktop computer. But now I want to get rid of the desk top and have the laptops connected wirelessly to...


If the printers have built-in 802 wireless, you can use them as they are. Otherwise you have to put...

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jamarcus... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Help hooking up a HP mini laptop to a HP printer?

I want to print of a picture, but my mini HP Laptop isnt hooked up to my HP printer and when its says " Hook up to a printer" or w.e It doesn't show the HP printer??/


Go to HP website, select Support and Driver, select Download Driver, Softwares and Firmwares. Enter...

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T7DY3WQ3YBLMB75IC45BPSSZC4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I cant use my printer anymore, my pc suddenly isnt able to find printer drivers.?

I have HP Photosmart c5280 and I have been using it for some time now, but today it was not listed in my printer list. So I went to device manager to see if the drivers are up to date, however it didnt find any drivers for it anymore. So I downloaded...


your antivirus has eaten the HPZSCR01.EXE . so u should uninstall the printer drivers . but u cannot...

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bajcev at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My printer isnt turning on to print but the button is flashing?

i had a paper jam so i turned off my printer and took the paper out. but then when i tried to turn on my printer i pressed the power button and it started blinking but the actuall printer didn't turn on. its an hp printer. what do i do??? PLEASE HELP...


Press the paper feed button!

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Party_li... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why isnt my new printer working I have connected a USB lead and installed the printer.?

It is saying that it has been successful but it hasnt. Cant use the printer. If the lead fits surely the printer should work


Do you have the printer set as your default printer

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Rita E at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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