Why isn't my printer printing?

Let’s learn why isn't my printer printing. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Why Isn't My Printer Printing?

i have to print out a voucher from the hotel i booked but whenever i click print, it doesn't print. so i go to the printer job and i see the thing i need to print, and it says printing. so i look at the info and it says "sending print data... idle". so i go and check the printer but it's not idle at all. i really need help. btw my printer is an HP Photosmart C4700, and im using a mac.


Check your cable that connects from the printer to your Mac. If that doesn't help, do a test print,...

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George at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Why isnt my printer, printing wirelessly?

I have hooked my printer up to my wireless router via ethernet cable. Have installed all the drivers n programs needed and all diagnostic checks say that it is ready to print. But when I go to print it says that theres an error printing. Any ideas why...


Try printing a test page. Or check your print server in your router.

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JC at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why isnt my printer printing pictures?

i dont get it its printing words but not pics.. what could it be??


What kind of printer and what model ?

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Daniel at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why isnt my printer printing?

Its a hp photosmart c4500 series. it only prints when it wants. it makes copies and everything. its online, it just says printer failed to print... help!


go to devices and printers and right click on your printer and set it to "use printer online"...

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prietaro... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My kodak printer 5100 isnt printing?

my kodak 5100 printer wont print, the file is going through the paper is getting brought into the printer and it makes the noises and gesters as if it was printing but the paper comes out blank what should i do i even replaced the ink


Check out this HP Link

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Romeo P at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My printer isnt printing - the paper just comes out blank?

I have put an ink cartridge in but the printer behaves as if it is printing but it is clear the ink is not getting through i am lost help


If you don't use the printer often (at least once a month) you probably have cartridges drying up on...

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Simi at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My printer isnt printing, idk what to do..?

im using both an hp printer and an hp laptop, it worked fine last week but now its not printing.


What model printer? How is it connected? Are there any specific symptoms? Does it show up in the printer...

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P6X5CLGAEDE7RIPNHAOOQ3WX5Q at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

HELPP? my printer isnt printing the background color?

on my kodak ESP 5 Aio and HP psc 1310 series isnt printing the background color and i need it to so the letters will show up. i cant change the color of the background to work because it look right i need help. im getting FRUSTRATED.


Well.... it depends on what application you're using. If you're using Microsoft's Word, (this is for...

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Dani P at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My printer isnt printing?

Wheneevr i try to print something it says its printing but nothing happens why is this?


First step is to see will if it print a test page Go to Start, settings, printers. Right click on the...

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Terry at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My printer isnt printing?

i have Canon MP150, and it has always worked, but now it is not printing anything, I have cleaned all nozzles, deep cleaning etc, and still nothing. Yes, there is ink in cartridges....Anyone got any ideas please.


troubleshoot it

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piscesis... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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